Thanks to my not-so-perfect genes (moms side) I have had a horrible acne problem ever sense I hit puberty. I grew out of the stage where I would get depressed over it. I used to get made fun of a lot for it during Jr. High, but then in high school it just kind of stopped. Probably because it was a more common thing. But that was also when I began to step up for myself, and not care what people think.
Although I don't let it get me down, I still wish I didn't have this problem. I have had tried a lot of different face medicines. And I had a doctor personally describe me something. %10 bh(?) I believe. Which helped for a little awhile but I still have acne. It bugs me. I woke up this morning and I found like the most white heads I had ever woken up to. Like 6 or 7. Mostly around my chin. (That is like my breakout area.) And I hate it. I wish there was something I could do.
Does anyone else have this problem and/or have any advice?
Although I don't let it get me down, I still wish I didn't have this problem. I have had tried a lot of different face medicines. And I had a doctor personally describe me something. %10 bh(?) I believe. Which helped for a little awhile but I still have acne. It bugs me. I woke up this morning and I found like the most white heads I had ever woken up to. Like 6 or 7. Mostly around my chin. (That is like my breakout area.) And I hate it. I wish there was something I could do.
Does anyone else have this problem and/or have any advice?