Accusing a girl of sexual harrassment.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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This one girl has be manipulating me. She went to her boss where I work and complained about how I told somebody about how I like to touch her on the ass.

However she has:

1. Talked about taking off my clothes

2. Talked about making out

3. Touches me a lot

So I went back to the boss, and turned the blame back on her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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In this man hating culture you will always be looked at as guilty until proven innocent in situations like these.

That is unless you can get some concrete proof on her wrong doing and how do you do that you might ask?

Hidden tape recorder of course.

Get her on tape flirting like some sleaze with you and try to get her to say your name so there is proof she was saying this to you and can't play it off like you were just so obsessed with her you recorded her flirting like this with someone else.

Good luck!

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Change jobs.. Don't talk to her at all, don't be beta either.. Simply tell her straight up if she starts, I only talk to women I'm interested in fvcking... And yea, have a tape recorder on you at all times.. She's coming near you, turn it on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Problem is I am suspended from work

She says the touching is an accident, corporate said I can't have any contact with her. I know this isn't an accident because she on touches me on certain times, such as getting my attention, want me to get her something. She never, touches me at other times.

The problem with my story with taking off my clothes part is this happened awhile ago. As well as the other stuff besides touching.

The proof, I might have about her doing this type of behavior to me, is some people who saw me there awhile ago. However, they don't work at Cinnabon anymore.

I'd really like to cuss her out on how she is no good, but then I will get fired.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Here is the deal.. You're very crappy at your job right now.. Thing can go south, the fact that you are suspended that's bad..

You need to think about yourself and quit your job..

That's pre-emptative action so that you don't get fired.. Looks better on your resume..

Then you can sue that woman for $4,000 in smail claims court.. Better yet talk to a lawyer NOW..

Though, thing with lawyers is that your case is not a slam dunk, you have a penis and balls, system is designed against you in such situations.. I'd say if the female is HB6 or less go ahead and do the lawyer thing, if hotter, don't bother..

Find a lawyer that will prosecute and no fees unless you win.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
If you dont take risks again with other co-workers then there is no chance something like this happen. Now, if you really have a serious relationship, that's another story, but just having fun with co-workers is dangerious since it seems that even if you have a good time they can just turn on you like Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde for any little nonsence and cause allot of grief.

I think there is a line between being totally non-confident and being totally withdrawn (which is sort of my extreme) and going a bit too far because you feel too confident and start forgetting even the social boundaries (i.e. do not dip your pen in the company ink). The challenge is really finding that happy medium so you can have some fun - but at the same time having cautious fun and do not let that guard totally get down where you start feeling invincible to the point you may do something wreckless (i.e. bragging to a male co-worker about that who could be jealous about you, especially if he's a WBAFC).

Your jealous WBAFC traitor male co-worker probably wanted to score points with that girl and relieve his jealousy against you by disclosing that to the girl.
Just keep romance, fooling around, sex, whatever, out of the workplace next time.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, you're in serious trouble for malesting your general manager who went to the rigional manager..

Not getting a recommendation is the lest of your worries my man..

I still recommend you quit and then prosecute.. Nobody in that coumpany will side with you, you're just an employee, you're disposable, and she is a general manager..

At least find a lawyer and get on this ASAP.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
A real man doesn't put up with bullsh1t. We live in a free, capitalistic society. You know what that means? You need to be man enough to quit and FIND SOMETHING BETTER to do with your time than work at this crummy job. If a business wants quality employees then they won't treat their men like sh1t.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
A real man doesn't put up with bullsh1t. We live in a free, capitalistic society. You know what that means? You need to be man enough to quit and FIND SOMETHING BETTER to do with your time than work at this crummy job. If a business wants quality employees then they won't treat their men like sh1t.
If you really think that America is free and capitalistic I have some ocean front property in Iowa that you might want to look into.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Lmao hahahahaha Cinnabon. Not making fun of you but I thought it was like a high level job or your career. It's just ****ing Cinnabon. Who cares. You should be looking for a better job anyways. Nothing will happen to you if you don't do anything again. I would quit though but even if you got fired big deal. Just don't put it on your resume, even if you do though, they can only ask if you worked there and thats it. Just tell them you quit. Me and my friends have done it many times lol. You should get a new job anyways.