About seducing foreign women


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello gentlemen.

This is my first post ever here. Hello all!
I've gone deep in the manosphere and seduction community articles, and I've decided to participate in it more actively. It'll all start with Don Juan.

I'm a young, 22-year old South American fellow currently living in France. It's been nearly two years since I've been here.

I've had the mentality of an AFC for a long time now, but it's slowly starting to change. I still have a lot of "chump reflexes" I have to get rid of, but I'm slowly getting there.

Now, living in France, I'm interested in seducing and bedding the local women (or any women at all). Now, I already speak fluent French with the slightest hint of an accent. People always congratulate me on it. I'm not bragging. The thing is, recently I read an article (http://www.girlschase.com/content/how-get-foreign-girls) on how to get Foreign Girls, and I was gutted. That guy's main point is: the better your mastery of the local language is, the more you hurt your chances.

It's intuitive. You come across as less exotic.
Nedless to say, this has caused a lot of soul-searching. God dammit. Now these girls think I'm French, and they'll start treating me like one, instead of the cool, foreign guy that I am.

So my question is, is there any way to leverage my knowledge of French AND my exotic looks and personality without girls expecting of me regular French-guy behavior? I should say that I don't want to start forcing an accent I don't have anymore.

I should also be clear that I'm not a perfect French imitation. I do not wish to be. The aforementioned article goes on about how people how do their absolute darnedest to integrate come off as weaker as those who don't care. I understood this somewaht. So every once in a while I make a faux pas, I ask a stupid question, I don't understand something, or I tell my French friends, "Geez, you people make no sense" I had sensed that this actually got people to like me more than being deferential. Now I understand why.

In a certain way, this article has actually made me feel better, also. As an AFC, I thought I had to become as French as I could without sacrificing my cultural identity -the identification myth; be as similar as you can to the person you'd like to like you- Reading that article, something snapped: these people will like me better if I can communicate with them, I'm warm and funny to them, but I stay fundamentally different, and don't hesitate to show them that no, I'm not French.

Woah, I've rambled a bit there. Sorry, gentlemen. It's just the way I am!
Cheers, and thanks for reading. See you in other topics!

House of Jacques


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2010
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I can relate because the girls where I've been living think its cute when I attempt to speak their language. In fact approaching women is really the only incentive to learn the language here since everyone speaks English easily anyways (besides the fact that I feel inferior for only being fluent in one language still). The girls here also find it impressive when I can continue the conversation beyond the initial stuff, but still in a very basic ability because then they know that I've made an effort and gone beyond the skill level of your typical expat here (again the standards aren't that high here).

So in a way you're lucky to be living in a country that forces you to actually learn their language so well. But I can see how knowing it so well helps you blend in "too much", if they don't even wonder where you're from after initiating a conversation.

Girls here always want to know where I'm from after I attempt to speak to them in their language like a caveman. It's an easy way for me to break the ice and create some interest.

You could fake talking more stupidly in French to girls you approach, but only do that if its fun. And don't think about it as a liability. Be proud of the fact that you've mastered their language in two years. Now you can learn the nuances of that language and then use them to seduce the French women and connect to them on a deeper level (if you wish).

French is the probably considered to be the most "beautiful" of the Romantic languages (even if Italian is the most like Latin)- its an asset to be able to speak it so well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
I'm mixed but I can speak Chinese which has been both good and bad. Its good cause I can spit some hot fire at the ladies but bad in a way since I'm less exotic than someone speaking to them in English with the same looks.

Like ZenoB said, we can connect with girls on a deeper level which someone spitting English game can't. However, speaking English is an auto DHV and makes the process quite easy a lot of the time since the HB has to play "your ball game".

I've tried to go back to English game on some girls but the communication is so wack and shallow that I just reverted back to spitting in their language. You should go ahead and try to get deeper into the language so that you can mack in french on a higher level than some of the French guys (hard of course but a cool goal to set)


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, guys!

Thanks for both your answers.
Indeed, as 3countriesPlan says, girls are less "exoticized" by you if you come up speaking in their local language. But then again, as ZenoB pointed out, that's only one part of the story. I've learned to speak good French and this will be more often than not be a strength I can play to, rather than a liability. I had figured this out already, it's just that it suddenly hit me that with increased fluency came increased expectations to "conform".

People don't actively ask me where I come from, but it still does come up every once in a while in casual conversation. As I said, I don't try to hide my foreign status anymore (I used to be very nervous about people finding out I wasn't French). I've given this some though, and I'm gonna go for the "seduce 'em like a Frenchman" angle, with a bit of a foreign spice to it. It's gonna be a bit difficult, but I refuse to play the clueless foreign guy role. I've spent too much time learning French for me to do that.

I think that by speaking my best French and doing the occasional faux pas, all while never being apologetical about it, I can actually get girls to be more interested. You're getting that old, familiar warmth you get when you meet your countrymen and then... "wait, what!? Where is this guy from?" She begins to wonder just who you might be. What do you guys think about that approach?

Cheers, and thanks for the help!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
If you're South American you speak Spanish right? Maybe slip in the odd Spanish word 'by accident', or think aloud more often etc in your other languages. That way you're not the clueless foreigner but the well-traveled foreigner. Also it's a good conversation starter for the woman and everyday strangers in general.