I haven’t frequented the forums here in quite a while, but when something fairly weird and salacious
happens to me I tend to like share it and see what everyone’s take is. So, grab a beer, sit down and
A few weeks ago while killing time on myspace.com, I found one of my old, good friends from high school
who I had lost touch with a while back, I had not seen or spoken to him in at least 10 years. Let’s call him “Jack.” Checking out his profile, he looked like he was having a lot of success in his indie film/video production business, so I added him as a friend and left him one of those stupid comment things wishing him all the best for the new year. Doesn’t hurt to network.
Earlier this week, I got a message on myspace and figure it’s spam right off the bat as it usually is when
a girl I don’t know emails me. She says she’s a friend of Jack’s and says hello. I reply back telling her nothing much and asking no questions, basically “yeah, me and Jack were thick as thieves back then…bye!” and that’s it. I figured she was one of those friend collectors on myspace and that would be the extent of our communication. She replies back saying “I like to make out with Jack’s friends” and gives me her IM name to chat. Velllly interesting.
So since those first few emails I’ve talked to her a couple of times via IM and the phone, mostly to see if she was for real. She explains that she got in touch with me mostly because of our common friend (Jack) and I guess her lack of common friends out here on the west coast…that and she really wanted to get out of town for a few days. She’s 8 years younger, probably a strong 8 or 9. She lives about 100 miles north of me and basically invited herself down for the weekend to hang out, see the sights and stay with me. I say “invited herself” mostly because I didn’t say no. What can I say, I was a little curious. Experiments can be enlightening. I may regret it, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Here’s where the fun begins – a few memorable quotes from our few conversations:
“don’t think you’re getting any action”
“I don’t like pushy people”
“do you like big tits?” (she has an ample rack)
“I’m warning you that I’m a bit of a c0ck-tease”
“you must get a lot of pvssy”
“do you know any bisexuals?
Heh. (cue circus music)
She arrives tonight, we’re gonna grab dinner and probably do a bar crawl afterwards. After that…who the fvck knows? She says she’s going to pay her way, a good sign I guess, but some of the above quotes kind of negate that. Not like I really care about the money. Other than that, she seems fairly normal (trust me, she wouldn’t be en route if she was wacko), but I am preparing for some drama nonetheless. I’m confident and well-established in my life and I don’t take crap. I’m just going to be my charming self and not give a flyin’ crap one way or the other. I kind of see this as refresher course as an older guy, not that I’ve been out of the game, I do ok and everything, but sometimes a little exercise does a guy good.
Feel free to comment, and if you’re gonna be a smart a$$
at least make sure you’re smart 
I’ll post about the outcome in ~48 hours.
happens to me I tend to like share it and see what everyone’s take is. So, grab a beer, sit down and
A few weeks ago while killing time on myspace.com, I found one of my old, good friends from high school
who I had lost touch with a while back, I had not seen or spoken to him in at least 10 years. Let’s call him “Jack.” Checking out his profile, he looked like he was having a lot of success in his indie film/video production business, so I added him as a friend and left him one of those stupid comment things wishing him all the best for the new year. Doesn’t hurt to network.
Earlier this week, I got a message on myspace and figure it’s spam right off the bat as it usually is when
a girl I don’t know emails me. She says she’s a friend of Jack’s and says hello. I reply back telling her nothing much and asking no questions, basically “yeah, me and Jack were thick as thieves back then…bye!” and that’s it. I figured she was one of those friend collectors on myspace and that would be the extent of our communication. She replies back saying “I like to make out with Jack’s friends” and gives me her IM name to chat. Velllly interesting.
So since those first few emails I’ve talked to her a couple of times via IM and the phone, mostly to see if she was for real. She explains that she got in touch with me mostly because of our common friend (Jack) and I guess her lack of common friends out here on the west coast…that and she really wanted to get out of town for a few days. She’s 8 years younger, probably a strong 8 or 9. She lives about 100 miles north of me and basically invited herself down for the weekend to hang out, see the sights and stay with me. I say “invited herself” mostly because I didn’t say no. What can I say, I was a little curious. Experiments can be enlightening. I may regret it, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Here’s where the fun begins – a few memorable quotes from our few conversations:
“don’t think you’re getting any action”
“I don’t like pushy people”
“do you like big tits?” (she has an ample rack)
“I’m warning you that I’m a bit of a c0ck-tease”
“you must get a lot of pvssy”
“do you know any bisexuals?
Heh. (cue circus music)
She arrives tonight, we’re gonna grab dinner and probably do a bar crawl afterwards. After that…who the fvck knows? She says she’s going to pay her way, a good sign I guess, but some of the above quotes kind of negate that. Not like I really care about the money. Other than that, she seems fairly normal (trust me, she wouldn’t be en route if she was wacko), but I am preparing for some drama nonetheless. I’m confident and well-established in my life and I don’t take crap. I’m just going to be my charming self and not give a flyin’ crap one way or the other. I kind of see this as refresher course as an older guy, not that I’ve been out of the game, I do ok and everything, but sometimes a little exercise does a guy good.
Feel free to comment, and if you’re gonna be a smart a$$
I’ll post about the outcome in ~48 hours.