Cute, but here's a real routine if you want one. Start at the lowest level and do each level twice before you move on. So if you work your abs twice a week, you're looking at 9 weeks for the whole thing. Here's what I do:
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Abs
Wednesday: Back/Biceps
Thursday: Abs
Friday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Sat/Sun: Rest
If you want my entire weightlifting routine, its under 'intermediate 3-way split' in this thread:
P.S. If you have no idea what leg thrusts are, try to remember one of those old Chinese Kung-Fu movies that show Shaolin monks pounding the stone floor with their legs. That's it. Leg thrusts are basically step-kicks.
Level 1
25 leg thrusts
15 seconds rest
20 leg thrusts
25 crunches
10 situps
Level 2
10 Hanging knee raise
15 seconds rest
8 hanging knee raise
25 crunches
15 seconds rest
20 crunches
Level 3
15 hanging knee raises
15 seconds rest
10 hanging knee raise
15 leg thrusts
20 crunches
10 situps
20 hangign leg raise
10 seconds rest
15 hangign knee raise
20 leg thrusts
1- seconds rest
15 leg thrusts
30 crunches
10 situps
Level 5
25 hanging knee raise
10 seconds rest
20 hangign knee raise
20 leg thrusts
10 seconds rest
15 leg thrusts
35 crunches
15 situps
Level 6
5 hangign leg raise
10 seocnds rest
5 hanging leg raise
10 hanigng knee raise
35 crunches
15 situps
Level 7
10 hanigng leg raise
5 hanging knee raise
15 seconds rest
5 hanging leg raise
5 hanging knee raise
25 leg thrusts
35 crunches
15 situps
Level 8
10 hanging leg raise
5 hanging knee raise
10 seconds rest
10 ahnigng leg raise
5 hanging knee raise
30 leg thrusts
10 seconds rest
25 leg thrusts
35 crunches
15 situps
15 knee rockback
Level 9
12 hanging leg raise
to failure hanging knee raise
10 seocnds rest
10 hanigng leg raise
to failure hanigng knee raise
30 leg thrusts
10 seconds rest
20 leg thrusts
to failure corss knee crunches
to failure crunches
15 situps
20 knee rock backs