GS750 said:
Sorry. Here's the "meat" of the one I posted...
I love to laugh, and I value empathy, compassion, silliness, and groundedness. I am open-minded, honest, and loyal. I enjoy helping people feel joyful and comfortable. I'm a social justice activist, and intersectionality is important to me as a feminist. My interests include homesteading, sustainable living, birth, herbalism, survivalism, homeopathy, sci-fi, and creating stuff. If you're into Myers-Briggs, I'm an INFP.
I am in a polyamorous relationship with fsonj and identify as queer. We have two children. We're seeking someone that would like to eventually be considered a part of our family. I would also love to add more children into our family either by blending families or birth, or both.
We are welcoming to all kinds of people; EVERYONE is safe here! Well, maybe not racists and MRAs, but everyone else. lol
I like animals best when they live outside, not inside. (Farm!) I have allergy issues with indoor animals.
I am a hedge witch, and tend to make note of, and occasionally celebrate, the sabbats and esbats. However, I feel there are probably many things that folks believe are supernatural that could likely be explained scientifically if we had the capabilities to do so.
I am a fat, somewhat furry womyn, and I'm bra-free unless I'm riding a horse or it's a "special occasion". Though I would enjoy it, I'm not a very athletic person because of chronic pain/fatigue from Fibromyalgia. I am quite sensitive to artificial scent (e.g.: perfume, scented lotions, scented laundry detergents/fabric softeners, hairspray, commercial deodorants/antiperspirants, air freshener, commercial cleaning products, bug spray, etc.) and many other lab-created chemicals, so I can't date anyone who's really into that stuff, but I can help them out with products if they'd like to lead a more natural, scent-free lifestyle.
I follow the attachment model of parenting (authoritative, NOT permissive!). As far as babies/toddlers go, I'm into natural pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding until self-weaning, babywearing, co-sleeping, intact immune systems, and intact bodies. With kids, I practice free-range parenting, unschooling, natural/logical consequences, limiting "screen time" (including trying not to model screen addiction), and including children in everyday life (e.g.: being involved in their play when they want it, letting them branch out and do their own thing, acquiring their help with domestic duties, teaching them to help children younger than themselves, gardening, regular conversation, etc.). Basically, I like to treat my kids like thinking, feeling people, rather than "something to be dealt with". Feel free to ask if you'd like to know more!