I thought I would create a new thread as the last poll was manipulated by a bunch of woman. Women please respect the poll and leave it alone this time. If you can't accept the vote then get lost!
The last thread went into a number of issues so i thought i would continue those thoughts:
The issue about a woman cooking for her man:
All we can say is that a good woman DOES cook for her man. We are not saying that she should be forced to do this. That wouldn’t be the type of woman that most guys would want anyway. All we are saying is that when a woman cooks it’s a good sign that she is nurturing and that she has accepted her nature. This is clearly what most of us men want. In the family unit women make better nurturers and men make better providers. As a man you can’t let your right as a provider be taken away from you.
A man that is a true provider will tell you that there is no greater reward and feeling than seeing his little woman happy and possibly his children as well. It is also rewarding for a man to be the protector of his family. A real man would destroy anyone who dares disturb his adobe without thought. The feminist wants to take this away from you. Don’t let them. Be the man and don’t be afraid to be discriminatory when you select your mate. For every 50 women there is one that will appeal to you. So don’t be afraid to discard those that are of no use to you.
On a personal note, I can recall when I used to listen to what women said they wanted. There was a woman I was with that was a partial feminist. The more I was with her the more she tried to make me feel useless. She tried to take away everything that felt natural to me away. After a short time I had about enough and “nexted” her ass. I would encourage you to next any girl that thinks this way.
For those that want a crossbreeding, amorphous, appeal to both sexes kind of situation. All the power to you and to each 'its' own. All I have to say is good luck with that. I hope it makes you happy. Just don’t expect to be as happy as the man that fully provides for his woman and protects her, and don’t expect get respect from her for being a provider. She will try to take that way from you because she thinks she can do just as good a job.
As for the issue of roles:
If you had a large corporation would you give everyone the exact same job? If you did nothing would get done and there would be no one specialized enough or focused enough to make the company function. It wouldn’t make sense to make the financial director do the job of the marketing director and force the marketing director to handle the accounts. This is also true within the family unit. The problem is that women are told now at a young age that they can ignore their basic instincts. They are told that they should completely ignore their natural gifts and talents and strive to be more like a man. This is a disaster to the natural order of things and is why the divorce rate is so high. Women have been told to act a certain way and it is in direct conflict with their nature. This is the primary cause of why women don’t know what they want. A woman that accepts her role in the world is happy and isn’t confused. She is also the type of woman a man will give a ring to.
It is important note that a man should not treat a woman as the inferior. Women are not slaves. It is important to create an environment where the natural instincts of both sexes rise to their full potential, the nurturing woman and the man who is the natural provider.
As a side note, I would also like to point out that a man should never use the term “relationship”. Women talk about the “relationship” as if it was some kind of sacred entity between two people. When you are with your woman there is no such thing as ‘the relationship’. Your only thought should be that of your partner not “the relationship”. For a man “the relationship” doesn’t exist, it’s a stupid fema-nazi concept.
BTW, we have to admit that there were some inequalities in the past with regard to rights and freedoms for women. But that was the nature of those decades for all types of people. The last 50 years or so of feminism has caused great harm to the family and has created the abundance of AFCs that we all distain. Now I’m not saying that society hasn’t benefited in some way from feminism(although, i can't think of any ways it has at the moment), it’s just to point out the huge problems it has caused. It is also important to note that feminism is only a recent concept. When compared to the centuries of wisdom that created the family unit and our biological instincts, this foolishness will not stand the test of time. As men we know that all the gains in name of feminism where only achieved because we said it was ok. As men we know that we are always in control of the world (because in the end physical might gives us the power). The question for all of us is, is how much rope are we going to give them? Have we given them enough to hang themselves with yet? I can only guarantee that if they continue to feminize our culture there will be a great backlash. Men will be filled with rage and utter contempt for all this stupidly. The very need for this message board is rather sad. I suspect that this backlash has already begun.
The last thread went into a number of issues so i thought i would continue those thoughts:
The issue about a woman cooking for her man:
All we can say is that a good woman DOES cook for her man. We are not saying that she should be forced to do this. That wouldn’t be the type of woman that most guys would want anyway. All we are saying is that when a woman cooks it’s a good sign that she is nurturing and that she has accepted her nature. This is clearly what most of us men want. In the family unit women make better nurturers and men make better providers. As a man you can’t let your right as a provider be taken away from you.
A man that is a true provider will tell you that there is no greater reward and feeling than seeing his little woman happy and possibly his children as well. It is also rewarding for a man to be the protector of his family. A real man would destroy anyone who dares disturb his adobe without thought. The feminist wants to take this away from you. Don’t let them. Be the man and don’t be afraid to be discriminatory when you select your mate. For every 50 women there is one that will appeal to you. So don’t be afraid to discard those that are of no use to you.
On a personal note, I can recall when I used to listen to what women said they wanted. There was a woman I was with that was a partial feminist. The more I was with her the more she tried to make me feel useless. She tried to take away everything that felt natural to me away. After a short time I had about enough and “nexted” her ass. I would encourage you to next any girl that thinks this way.
For those that want a crossbreeding, amorphous, appeal to both sexes kind of situation. All the power to you and to each 'its' own. All I have to say is good luck with that. I hope it makes you happy. Just don’t expect to be as happy as the man that fully provides for his woman and protects her, and don’t expect get respect from her for being a provider. She will try to take that way from you because she thinks she can do just as good a job.
As for the issue of roles:
If you had a large corporation would you give everyone the exact same job? If you did nothing would get done and there would be no one specialized enough or focused enough to make the company function. It wouldn’t make sense to make the financial director do the job of the marketing director and force the marketing director to handle the accounts. This is also true within the family unit. The problem is that women are told now at a young age that they can ignore their basic instincts. They are told that they should completely ignore their natural gifts and talents and strive to be more like a man. This is a disaster to the natural order of things and is why the divorce rate is so high. Women have been told to act a certain way and it is in direct conflict with their nature. This is the primary cause of why women don’t know what they want. A woman that accepts her role in the world is happy and isn’t confused. She is also the type of woman a man will give a ring to.
It is important note that a man should not treat a woman as the inferior. Women are not slaves. It is important to create an environment where the natural instincts of both sexes rise to their full potential, the nurturing woman and the man who is the natural provider.
As a side note, I would also like to point out that a man should never use the term “relationship”. Women talk about the “relationship” as if it was some kind of sacred entity between two people. When you are with your woman there is no such thing as ‘the relationship’. Your only thought should be that of your partner not “the relationship”. For a man “the relationship” doesn’t exist, it’s a stupid fema-nazi concept.
BTW, we have to admit that there were some inequalities in the past with regard to rights and freedoms for women. But that was the nature of those decades for all types of people. The last 50 years or so of feminism has caused great harm to the family and has created the abundance of AFCs that we all distain. Now I’m not saying that society hasn’t benefited in some way from feminism(although, i can't think of any ways it has at the moment), it’s just to point out the huge problems it has caused. It is also important to note that feminism is only a recent concept. When compared to the centuries of wisdom that created the family unit and our biological instincts, this foolishness will not stand the test of time. As men we know that all the gains in name of feminism where only achieved because we said it was ok. As men we know that we are always in control of the world (because in the end physical might gives us the power). The question for all of us is, is how much rope are we going to give them? Have we given them enough to hang themselves with yet? I can only guarantee that if they continue to feminize our culture there will be a great backlash. Men will be filled with rage and utter contempt for all this stupidly. The very need for this message board is rather sad. I suspect that this backlash has already begun.