oK I have a situation that may actually be driving me insane and this is no joke.
I met this HB about a year ago, in school and we seemed to become friends. Well both admited to each other that we where into each other, but she has a borefriend who is her sole source of support and the father to her child. She did a few things to me that would make a borefriend pissed off. However we never kissed or had sex, but I did try to kiss her and she shot me down.
Now my first question is please tell me why this girl would tell these personal things to our teacher? Below is the few things that she told him that I don't understand why.
1. I am paranoid that somebody is watching me when I got out to smoke.
"We are not allowed to go out to smoke as much as I do aand I always joked with her that somebody is watching me"
the teacher told me that he told her "I will tell him to quit going out so much" she said no don't that will piss him off
2. I only go over to her house when her borefriend is not home.
" I hate her borefriend and don't want to be around him. But it was her idea for me to come when he is not there however a friend of hers was also there so it wasn't like it was just me and her" Besides If I was a woman and I had a borefriend and a guy who came over my house when he wasn't home i would not tell anyone.
Now I knew this teacher for years even before he became my teacher. I said to him "fack her if she wants to tell you my buisness she can go to hellll" he said " don't do her like that she is your friend" "but I hate her" "she is your friend"
I asked him several different times why she told him this stuff and he said that he walked outside and heard her telling somebody else that I only come over when her borefriend is not home. This teacher has a hard time telling the truth so I don't know what to think.
Then he says
1. Don't worry her and her borefriend will not last.
2. I said I have not even talked to her in a long time. He said don't worry you will hear from her. "which I finally did this week"
Now guys please help me understand this. It happened a month ago and to this day I think about it none stop trying to figure out why she would say this. Yes I have met other woman trying to forget about this situation but it has not helped at all.
Now my point is Why would this girl tell our teacher these things that have nothing to do with anything.
I met this HB about a year ago, in school and we seemed to become friends. Well both admited to each other that we where into each other, but she has a borefriend who is her sole source of support and the father to her child. She did a few things to me that would make a borefriend pissed off. However we never kissed or had sex, but I did try to kiss her and she shot me down.
Now my first question is please tell me why this girl would tell these personal things to our teacher? Below is the few things that she told him that I don't understand why.
1. I am paranoid that somebody is watching me when I got out to smoke.
"We are not allowed to go out to smoke as much as I do aand I always joked with her that somebody is watching me"
the teacher told me that he told her "I will tell him to quit going out so much" she said no don't that will piss him off
2. I only go over to her house when her borefriend is not home.
" I hate her borefriend and don't want to be around him. But it was her idea for me to come when he is not there however a friend of hers was also there so it wasn't like it was just me and her" Besides If I was a woman and I had a borefriend and a guy who came over my house when he wasn't home i would not tell anyone.
Now I knew this teacher for years even before he became my teacher. I said to him "fack her if she wants to tell you my buisness she can go to hellll" he said " don't do her like that she is your friend" "but I hate her" "she is your friend"
I asked him several different times why she told him this stuff and he said that he walked outside and heard her telling somebody else that I only come over when her borefriend is not home. This teacher has a hard time telling the truth so I don't know what to think.
Then he says
1. Don't worry her and her borefriend will not last.
2. I said I have not even talked to her in a long time. He said don't worry you will hear from her. "which I finally did this week"
Now guys please help me understand this. It happened a month ago and to this day I think about it none stop trying to figure out why she would say this. Yes I have met other woman trying to forget about this situation but it has not helped at all.
Now my point is Why would this girl tell our teacher these things that have nothing to do with anything.
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