Over the past few years I've adopted an easy, sure-fire way to get in good with a gal from the start. You guys have probably noticed how many girls out there own pets - usually small dogs or cats from my experience, and regardless of your personal opinion of these animals, to the girl they are family. To us? Opportunity.
On your way to her house stop by Petco or whatever pet supply store is near you, and pick up a tasty bone, dried pig ear, or whatever would suit her particular animal. When you show up with a gift for Fluffy it will immediately set you apart, and I guarantee you'll have to try real hard to screw this date up. She'll probably have to restrain herself from riding you right there. Women LOVE their pets!
This tactic has never done me wrong, and my current girlfriend still brings it up sometimes, and this was over a year ago.
So get in good with her furry friend, and it's all down hill from there.
Good luck!
On your way to her house stop by Petco or whatever pet supply store is near you, and pick up a tasty bone, dried pig ear, or whatever would suit her particular animal. When you show up with a gift for Fluffy it will immediately set you apart, and I guarantee you'll have to try real hard to screw this date up. She'll probably have to restrain herself from riding you right there. Women LOVE their pets!
This tactic has never done me wrong, and my current girlfriend still brings it up sometimes, and this was over a year ago.
So get in good with her furry friend, and it's all down hill from there.
Good luck!