A rollercoaster of a relationship


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
I have been dating this seventeen year old girl for sometime now and have come to care for her. The problem is that she is moody. Maybe, a little in excess. One day, she's in love with me, two days later, she *****es at me for being an *******, and tells me she doesn't like being treated like ****. This has been happening often. The thing is, she'll even accuse me of being an ******* even when i'm not. I am conviced she loves the drama. I'll do nothing wrong, and i'll still get *****ed at. It always ends up in me making her feel better by telling her that I care for her. It works until the next time this happens. Yeah... the next 4 days. So, recently, I've been getting turned off by her because of this. I feel like im always apologizing, even though I never say i'm sorry. Also, I feel like she'll get *****y even when I haven't acted like an ass. Are all girls like this? Should I just ignore her sometimes and not comfort her if I believe that I haven't done anything wrong? I'm tired of telling her that I care for her. How do I deal with it?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Don't respond to her moody behavior, especially when it is negative.

If the problem continues to happen then I would sit her down and tell her that you care about her, you want to stay with her, but you can't tolerate this moody behavior. She'll probably flip out hearing that though.. (she sounds slightly immature, no offense).

So most likely if you can't get things working right by ignoring her childish behavior then I'd recommend nexting her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Buddy, if you haven't done anything wrong, I fully endorse telling her to shove it.

There's plenty of women in the world who will not play games with you - you can find them, but you might need to shop around for a bit, regardless of how much you feel for this one.

If it helps you any, my girl started tossing flak at me and I gave her the boots the instant she did - she's now been more or less begging to get back with me and been on her best behaviour since. You have to show them you will take absolutely no dirt.

That's how I see it.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Québec, Canada
Manipulative type

Dear young man

This young girl is manipulating you. By throwing tantrums and making you appologize for her bad behavior she is using a classic manipulation technique. Also, you have to question your self image because you are letting her abuse you thrue her antics and you are apologizing for her disruptive behavior.

Let me guess she probably is blaming you for her antics because, you don't understand her, because you don't care enough for her, ...

She might be suffering from a borderline personality. Her mood swings are sympthomatic of such a personality.

Be carefull, persons with these personality traits are destructive on the people around them. I know, I have been there.

I highly suggest that you terminate your relationship with her before she wrecks you.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Manipulative type

Originally posted by libre
Dear young man

This young girl is manipulating you. By throwing tantrums and making you appologize for her bad behavior she is using a classic manipulation technique. Also, you have to question your self image because you are letting her abuse you thrue her antics and you are apologizing for her disruptive behavior.

Let me guess she probably is blaming you for her antics because, you don't understand her, because you don't care enough for her, ...

She might be suffering from a borderline personality. Her mood swings are sympthomatic of such a personality.

Be carefull, persons with these personality traits are destructive on the people around them. I know, I have been there.

I highly suggest that you terminate your relationship with her before she wrecks you.

Good luck.

You beat me to it....definitely sounds like a borderline psycho!! This is a classic syptom they have. Do you know if she has been sexually abused or severely neglected by her parents??? They usually have major trust issues and fear abandonment. So when she constantly wants to hear that you care, its to reassure her that your not going to leave her tomorrow even when you didn't do anything. Its really really a sad disorder, but it will break you bro, leave this little girl and find a woman capable of handling a major relationship!! BTW almost all borderlines cheat on their bf/gf because they cannot commit, they don't know how.



Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
This girl had been sexually abused by her father from childhood until she was about 11. This is why she is cynical. If you can't trust your parents, who can you trust? She's f*cked up, but she has a good heart. She really does.

I guess i'm trying to play hero in this situation by keeping her away from other guys so she won't get even more messed up. I have my own problems too.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Either she's just psycho, or this is a break up in the making. If she's constantly bursting out with criticism, guilt trips, and 5hitting all over you for little things, she probably wants you to dump her. Women do this 5hit because they don't want to be the ones to break off the relationship. They figure if they're constantly arguing with you, you'll get sick of it and ditch her.

By telling her you care for her, you're justifying her bad behavior. You're telling her, "I care for you even when you're a b1tch". Using words of affection should be used when things are going well.

You're probably best off to dump her ass and find yourself a better woman. This 5hit is just going to continue to be bad until one of you finally ends the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by abase
This girl had been sexually abused by her father from childhood until she was about 11. This is why she is cynical. If you can't trust your parents, who can you trust? She's f*cked up, but she has a good heart. She really does.

I guess i'm trying to play hero in this situation by keeping her away from other guys so she won't get even more messed up. I have my own problems too.
Do you realize how AFC what you just said here is? Look up "don't be a hero" in the forum/DJB.

As long as you stay with her, you're going to be a doormat while she is probably fuvking some guy who doesn't have to hear her whining and b1tching, or tell her he cares for her.

Also, stop putting her on some sort of pity-pedestal because of her past problems. You don't owe her anything. Get this picture of her being a perfectly innocent victim out of your head. Completely. Believe me these types of girls are just as evil, uncaring, and callous as the ones who wronged them in the past. I have met a girl that had a rough past and she was probably the most uncaring, manipulative b1tch I have ever met personally.

Your "gf" wants a male punching bag to get revenge on and you're gladly offering yourself to her.

Some people are so naive. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
The thing is that she doesn't want to break up with me. I have told her, "I think you should date other guys." and she got pissed off. She also has admitted that he would get mad if she saw me with other girls. This relationship in interesting, if anything.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
What I meant by saying hero was that, I could be the jerk she wants, but I won't take advantage of her like someone who doesn't care for her would. I'll keep her from getting involved from those other guys for a while, by keeping her with me. I didn't mean hero by saying that i'll be turning into a nice guy just because of what happend to her in the past. What's past is past. You can't change it. You can't change a person. I'm not going to give her any special attention because of it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Believe me these types of girls are just as evil, uncaring, and callous as the ones who wronged them in the past. I have met a girl that had a rough past and she was probably the most uncaring, manipulative b1tch I have ever met personally.
Agreed. I had a feeling there was something else behind this as well.

Red flags:



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by abase
This girl had been sexually abused by her father from childhood until she was about 11. This is why she is cynical. If you can't trust your parents, who can you trust? She's f*cked up, but she has a good heart. She really does.

I guess i'm trying to play hero in this situation by keeping her away from other guys so she won't get even more messed up. I have my own problems too.
Classic Borderline Personality Disorder candidate!!! Bro you are going to get walked on harder and harder each day. These people are emotionally unstable, they don't think the same way we do. She could tell you she loves you and how great you are right now, and go out tomorrow and fuvk some random guy. And its not because they WANT to be bad people, that's all they know!! There whole life has been filled with lies, deceit, no love and hurt!! So they look for someone to throw all their emotional baggage on. The thing that suxs is most of the time these girls are pretty hot, but its because they place so much emphasis on physical attractiveness.

I bet you she likes expensive clothes, has plenty of guy friends and usually only wants to spend time with you. But if you want to go out with your buddies she'll get jealous, upset and *****! These girls are complete whack jobs, run away or be broken down the road, its your choice!
