Don Juan
I'm in a tough situation that may end any chances of me dating any women in the future or for a long time anyway.My mother has been diagnosed with emphysema and needed a full time carer.I have taken this position as her full time carer.This means that I look after her nearly 24 hours a day. I can get some time for myself maybe once or twice aweek.But basically I'm stuck at home all the time. My sister can look after her sometimes so that I can go out.So to get to the point......Am I gunna be able to date anymore?
I have cut down my work hours to 3 hours a day and the government gives me a payment, so moneys not a problem. Are women going to be interested in a guy who looks after his sick mother?
It's a shame this happened now, as 6 months ago I was a guy with no confidence, and no girls even remotely interested in me.Now after studying the DJ site, I have more confidence and more women than ever taking notice of me.Now this has happened.
I have two women that would date me forsure and more that are interested! The One at Jeans shop, gave me all the green lights, but I didn't close the deal because of this situation.
Stopping being the full time carer for my mother in not an option, as I would be dead if it wasn't for my mothers actions to save me when I was a Kid.So I'm returning the favour.
It's looking very grim for my dating stiuation. So any Ideas Guys?
I have cut down my work hours to 3 hours a day and the government gives me a payment, so moneys not a problem. Are women going to be interested in a guy who looks after his sick mother?
It's a shame this happened now, as 6 months ago I was a guy with no confidence, and no girls even remotely interested in me.Now after studying the DJ site, I have more confidence and more women than ever taking notice of me.Now this has happened.
I have two women that would date me forsure and more that are interested! The One at Jeans shop, gave me all the green lights, but I didn't close the deal because of this situation.
Stopping being the full time carer for my mother in not an option, as I would be dead if it wasn't for my mothers actions to save me when I was a Kid.So I'm returning the favour.
It's looking very grim for my dating stiuation. So any Ideas Guys?