This is my story (I promise I won´t take too long!):
I know this girl for about 2 months and since then we´re friends. She is really perfect (i think a 9)...great body, really beautiful and sympathic. All the guys here are crazy about her.
Last week she invited me and some other friends to have dinner at her place. Most of the people couldn´t go and at the end was only her, another guy friend of us and me there. We had dinner and started drinking some wine. Then we went to the room and I played the guitar....looking her right in the middle of her eyes, in a different way. At certain moment, this other guy went to the toilet....she looked at me and gave me a really good kiss! I couldn´t believe...first because she´s 26 and I´m 21, and then, because I always thought she was too much for me (completely wrong thought, I know). The next day (Saturday) I called her to know if she slept well, beacause we all were a little drunk, but we didn´t talk about the kiss or anything like that.
Today is thusday and since the phone call we didn´t talk anymore. I ´ve got to say I´m still pretty confuse about everything. I don´t know if she remember everything or if she kissed me just because she was drunk for example.
I´d really like to know what should I really do. She is older and pretty hot, and because of that she must know every kind of guys and heard everything already. That´s why I wanna be different from all this guys she´s used to...
And now I want her so badly....
Do you guys have any suggestion or ideas for me what to do with this chick?
I know this girl for about 2 months and since then we´re friends. She is really perfect (i think a 9)...great body, really beautiful and sympathic. All the guys here are crazy about her.
Last week she invited me and some other friends to have dinner at her place. Most of the people couldn´t go and at the end was only her, another guy friend of us and me there. We had dinner and started drinking some wine. Then we went to the room and I played the guitar....looking her right in the middle of her eyes, in a different way. At certain moment, this other guy went to the toilet....she looked at me and gave me a really good kiss! I couldn´t believe...first because she´s 26 and I´m 21, and then, because I always thought she was too much for me (completely wrong thought, I know). The next day (Saturday) I called her to know if she slept well, beacause we all were a little drunk, but we didn´t talk about the kiss or anything like that.
Today is thusday and since the phone call we didn´t talk anymore. I ´ve got to say I´m still pretty confuse about everything. I don´t know if she remember everything or if she kissed me just because she was drunk for example.
I´d really like to know what should I really do. She is older and pretty hot, and because of that she must know every kind of guys and heard everything already. That´s why I wanna be different from all this guys she´s used to...
And now I want her so badly....
Do you guys have any suggestion or ideas for me what to do with this chick?