A questions about Clubbing!


Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
OK, i have been reading many clubbing guides.

There...a couple of questions i got from the guide.

I mean, I totally feel comfortable dancing by myself(I even ditch my mates :p), I had a couple hook ups from this "Dancing By Myself Method" BUT The guide said if you dance all alone, it will make you look like a loser! (Just let u know that, im a pretty good dancer, not professonal though)

Q1.Is it good idea that you should dance alone untill you find a chick you find attractive? or should I dance with my mates before I approach someone.?

I went to a club the other day and it was having a special occasion event. I realized that girls were more defensive(their guard were higher) on dance floor than usual weekend clubbing.

Q2.Why is this? and How do you isolate a chick you want to hook up with when she is dancing with her friends?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
im definitely not a club hook up pro or anything.. actually avoid clubs unless im going out with friends and girls so im already dancing with someone i know.. if i meet someone else, thats good too..

i usually just go with the flow man.. be social.. i usually find myself just vibing to the music and walkin around with a beer lol.. then i scope whats up in there and if im feelin a girl and it feels right i talk.. if not, i keep my drink and just dance with my other girl friends..

dont take it so seriously dude.. and ur not a loser if ur dancing alone, ur not a loser period if ur takin the initiative to go to a club full of tons of strangers and try to meet new people.. ur doin good.. just be cool and pick ur targets out and go for it.. if shes standoffish, take that as a sign and back da fvck up haha..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
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L.A., CA
Driven2Succeed is definitely right my friend!

Whether you dance with friends or by yourself, just have the time of your life man, that vibe can and will be picked up, and if it doesn't, simply dance with other girls! Don't ASK for a dance, either suggest it with girls that are sitting down or just lightly dance up on a girl you find attractive on the dance floor. If she's a good sport she'll get your sign and dance with you, but if she doesn't wanna dance, you'll get it. Experiment my friend and see what works best, but either way, you're not a loser if you're not the wallflower!
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
okay.. man.. im a club pro.. so let me tell you whats up... THE ONLY time you should dance by yourself if it is a SMALL place and a girl will see you if you bust game on another girl (think about it, would you be interested in a girl that just bumped and grinded with everyone, no.. you would think slut, fck her and then tell her that)... anyways.. so only dance by yourself if small place, and dont do it for too long, cause that **** is looser mentality, i.e. if your dancing alone, you are wasting presous time of comming up to girls and making "friends"

so, if im on a dance floor by myself, it means im passing through to see if i can find a girl to ask to dance, if nothing there, i go to back around the bar where ever and look for girls to talk to... always on the move, always on the haunt, in clubs, sometimes early bird gets the worm.... also good to come a little late, when the alcohol is kicking and they already looking to hook up..

YO.. think about it.. why would someone dance bythemselves? cause they like to dance? why not dance by themselves at home? ohhh, they like attention? well why not get attention by just comming up to a girl and impress her with your confidence and charm....
sarge on man.. ohh.. by the way.. bring a girl to bust game on other girls for you, it works man...