I have been reading through the bible about finding a hobby or anything else that takes your mind off women. I am not into sports though i do like outdoor activities like hiking and camping. I have a couple of times in my life experienced times when i was doing something that all i could think about all day was doing that activity. It has happened on video games and when I do a project such as the time i taught myself Html and Javascript for a class project. At the time i was doing these things I have a goal and it was fun to do i looked forward to doing it. When i would finish these things there was like this great loss like I had nothing to do. I guess i just love to learn new thinks or to tinker with things.
My question is what are some activities or things i can do that can keep me occupied like these other things have? I would rather it not be a computer or console game though.
My question is what are some activities or things i can do that can keep me occupied like these other things have? I would rather it not be a computer or console game though.