Ok, first thing, Hi. First post.
Now, I'm going trought some interesting times on my life, and I've been trying to find as much advice as I can without having to pay for therapy, so I've been abusing the anonimity and good will of the internet to search for advice in diferent forums.
Now to the issue at hand: I'm 26. I'm one of those lonely guys who got too busy in life to search for love and was too asocial to stump into it by chance. So I'm a virgin, with all the things that imply. But before you say anything, some time ago I decided it was time to pay attention to that aspect of my life I've seem to forget, and I began dating.
I's been fun, but I hadn't hit the jackpot. No one I've find to have great chemistry. And you can imagine that since I waited this long to do this it is a HUGE deal for me. I didn't waited 26 years to boow this on some crappy one night stand.
But a couple of weeks ago I met this girl... I really like her, and I think she likes me. I haven't asked her out, but we've talked a lot, and I feel we go great together. I was about to start asking her out and getting all serious, when I found out her age: She'll be 18 this october.
Now I'm so damn confused I'm posting this in forums.
I mean, on one hand I think it's not to bad, since romantically speaking, I'm very inmature. But then I can't stop thinking I'm turning into some kind of pedophilic, or that at her age she'll be looing for things completly opposed to what i look for. And I'm afraid even if I'm blowing things out of proportion and age is not a big deal to todays society, my fears about it will ruin my chances.
So... any advice is welcomed.
Now, I'm going trought some interesting times on my life, and I've been trying to find as much advice as I can without having to pay for therapy, so I've been abusing the anonimity and good will of the internet to search for advice in diferent forums.
Now to the issue at hand: I'm 26. I'm one of those lonely guys who got too busy in life to search for love and was too asocial to stump into it by chance. So I'm a virgin, with all the things that imply. But before you say anything, some time ago I decided it was time to pay attention to that aspect of my life I've seem to forget, and I began dating.
I's been fun, but I hadn't hit the jackpot. No one I've find to have great chemistry. And you can imagine that since I waited this long to do this it is a HUGE deal for me. I didn't waited 26 years to boow this on some crappy one night stand.
But a couple of weeks ago I met this girl... I really like her, and I think she likes me. I haven't asked her out, but we've talked a lot, and I feel we go great together. I was about to start asking her out and getting all serious, when I found out her age: She'll be 18 this october.
Now I'm so damn confused I'm posting this in forums.
So... any advice is welcomed.