A problem I need sorted guys!!!!! HELP


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
rite guys I have a problem I need sorted!
I'm 19 and the girl I am after is 17.

I have been tllking to her for a few weeks now on msn and we are getting on as well as you possibly can on msn. having long chats and stuff and finding out more abt each other. she is from my town and I have seen her about.
After I had got to know her a bit I asked her to go to the cinema and she said she would like to but her sister had asked her to do something as well so she would let me know, the next day she send me a txt message to my mobile saying her sister was pretty pissed off cause she hadn't spent any time with her and that she was just gonna go with her sister instead which was fine with me

so yesterday I said to her so are we gonna meet up or not, and she said she is sorta getting friendly with a guy in her school and didn't want to lead me on but that she would like to go, so I told her I was happy enough to just go as friends and that I wasn't after a relationship anyhow(which was sorta not true). and she said not to rule the whole cinema idea out just yet...

whats going on with this girls guys???
what should I say to her?
what way should I play it??
any advice is greatly appreicated!!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
oh oh! lol.

dude, leave the girl alone. she's 17. you won't get a LTR from her. and at the moment, i think she is down with another guy. she just hasn't told you HOW friendly she's getting with him. she probably thinks of you just as a friend. her being young will only get you a short term thing going on, sorry bro. but young gals only wanna have fun while they still can. they don't want to commit to an older guy and stay with him until she gets old. she's yet to experience many things! just be her friend. if you can't be her friend without falling for her, just let her go and find someone around your own age who will fulfill your needs. trust me, it'll just hurt in the end if you involve yourself with her.

good luck.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Spiker, I have one word for you: NEXT!

I think you should read the bible again as there are a number of points in your game that are way out of order.

Firstly, DON'T get into long chats on MSN. It builds up an inaccurate picture of someone and you can 'fall' for someone only to meet up and find them completely unnattractive. Just use it to set up dates.

Second, don't allow this fannying around with setting up dates. Set a clear time and date and get a definite response. If she starts going on about being unsure she's probably not interested, but you should always say something like you've got a busy schedule and you need to know definitely because you have other things to do.

Third, don't say anything about wanting to be friends or not wanting an LTR etc, keep her guessing. Read the signals she is giving you. If she mentions she is seeing someone else that is a bloody big red flag saying 'KEEP OFF'.

The bottom line though is that this girl is not interested in you and I wouldn't bother pursuing her.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
Spiker, you had been chatting for _weeks_ and you hadn't even met this girl! What were you waiting for? How long did you wait before asking her to the cinema?

Reality is that she's finding every excuse not to see you. This could have been avoided by getting to know her _in_person_ on a _date_ rather than dropping her interest to zero by endless chattering on the computer.

There's no such thing as 'getting on' when you're not in person. After chatting facelessly online for weeks she has no reason or curiosity to meet you in person. Mystery is your friend. You've _got_ to convert quickly that online meeting into a face-to-face before she thinks she knows all about you.

Also, asking her if you two were ever going to meet up was weak. You should have asked her out on a plan early on, like, "Hey, let's go do <specific activity> on Thursday night. Interested?" Then be silent and judge her response.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
lol dementia. sounds like another dumb b|tch to me who doesn't know what she wants. internet dating is just fuked. i met my ex gf on MSN though, by accident. my friend added her on my msn cause he met her at his work. instead after a while she started to get to know me and pulled all the moves. it was all first puppy love for both of us and we met. we were together for five months. i dumped her. i was really messed up back then. i didn't know who i was. so i had to let her go and try find out who i was before getting with another girl. that was it.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, as tales put it, she seems messed up. What idiot would get involved with a guy thats drug f**kd as it was put? LOL.
I think you may have taken it too slow on the whole msn stuff, just get in there next time, get her comfortable with humour and small facts then get that number and meeting!



Don Juan
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
ok guys NEXT it is!
if she comes running back to me, so be it!
if not, I know I still done the right thing
I sorta already knew what ya's were gonna tell me, ya just confirmed to me that she aint worth my time of day!

btw I love that line about only have $10 in your phone, lol classic!