A Positive Attitude is the Most Attractive Attitude


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
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A Positive Attitude is the Most Attractive Attitude

What is it about being a Don Juan that actually makes it Don Juan? What is the website sosuave.com teaching us? What are its underlining principles to being Don Juan?

I’ve heard it’s about being happy with yourself. I’ve heard it’s about being a man. It’s about not supplicating and not chasing. It’s said to not act desperate and to already have happiness before walking into a relationship. You’re supposed to learn to be happy alone before you ever get into a relationship, and all of this makes a whole lot of sense so that you won’t be dependent on others for your own happiness. It causes you to be responsible and causes you to choose to CHOOSE, and not leave life up to silly little destiny.

So, where does this leave us? It leaves with what is the true attitude of a Don Juan. It’s a positive attitude. A positive attitude is the only attractive attitude.

What is a Positive Attitude? Is He Responsible?

It’s an attitude that looks for the good in every situation. This is a habit that must be learned for success. It’s a thought process that’s deep in the subconscious that has been learned through out life. It is not easy to change because it is formed into habit and done on the subconscious level. In order to be successful on a consistent basis with anything in life, one’s attitude, beliefs, and values must change. A Don Juan becomes responsible for his own life and does not attribute or equate his shortcomings to anyone else, but his self. He is not handed anything, but goes and takes what is needed and wanted.

When Things go Wrong

When things go wrong, a Don Juan does not whine or b!tch about it. He doesn’t dwell on the problem or challenge, but seeks a solution. He sees a challenge as a step closer to his goal. He sees it as an opportunity to find a solution to the problem.

When a Girl Dumps Him

When a girl dumps him or plays him, he simple walks away. He knows that for him to have a positive outlook and a positive life, he must do what is best for him and him alone. He does not beg, and he does not plead. He says, “thank you, my darling,” and just walks away never to return. He knows that she has set him free to find someone that will appreciate him because he knows his worth, and that’s his positive outlook. She is left with a wondering heart and a longing guilt. She doesn’t know that she will soon miss him more that the flowers miss the rain in the summer months, but her thirst will not be quenched because she let go of a true Don Juan.

He knows where his heart lies and that’s in love with his self. He is his destiny and no one can take always his self love because no one makes him who he is. He is desirable by many women because his attitude is attractive.

He Never Loves Anyone More Than He Loves Himself

A Don Juan knows to be successful he has to love himself first and foremost. He knows he cannot love anyone more than he loves his self. He finds happiness in whom he is, in what he does, and the ways he goes about doing. He never places anyone above him, and if he does, he will not have a positive attitude.

What is He Not?

A Don Juan is not:

  • Jealous: He worries about no woman because he has options.
  • Angry: He does not react to women because he controls the frame. If she does something wrong, he will draw the line. He has lines of respect that must not be crossed, and if they are he will walk away because he respects himself.
  • Above negotiables and non-negotiables: A Don Juan knows when to pick his battles. He does not wear his heart on his sleeve and allow others to control his emotions. He has things that may bother him, but is willing to let it go.
  • Keeping tabs: A Don Juan does not keep tabs on a woman because he knows that she is with him of her own free will and when he keeps tabs he starts crossing the boundary of free will and forcing her to be with him.
  • Constantly making phone calls: A Don Juan does not call excessively. In fact, he does not call more than half the calls that the woman makes. He has a life and is too busy to wait for phone calls. He knows it will cause her to think about him and wonder about him.
  • Desperate for dates: He makes a date and waits until the date to let her get to know him. He doesn’t make long phone conversations. He does not need her, so he is able to just wait until the date to allow her to make her impression on him. He knows he can get a date at a moment’s notice, so he doesn’t have to impress her at all. If he tries to impress her then he will lose her. It’s been written that a Don Juan impresses a woman by letting her impress him.
  • Making last minute plans: A Don Juan does not make last minute plans with a woman because he is busy. He knows that if she’s truly interested in him, she will wait. He knows that he does not have to bend to her every whim in order to attract her because he’s got everything in life that he needs and a woman is just added to his happiness. So, she can wait, and it will only fuel her interest level. He’s just not that easy.
  • Being obsessive: He doesn’t obsess about women. He knows that if she didn’t want him, she has bad taste. That’s all it is because he accepts who he is and loves who he is. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that she has made a bad decision in her life, and he can walk away because he wants a smart woman who makes wise decisions.
  • Being possessive: He does not own any woman because he knows that a woman’s decision to be with him is of her own free will, and if she makes the decision to be with someone else, she has done him a favor to find someone who appreciates him. Remember? He wants a smart woman. He knows that a woman finds interest in him on her own without being forced, and that is exciting for him. He knows he is desirable, so he doesn’t have to coerce a woman into being his possession. He doesn’t buy her, he doesn’t lay guilt trips, he does not keep tabs, he does worry, he does not whine, and he does not ask for pity because he knows who he is, he knows his standards, he knows his boundaries, and he knows his positive attitude is more attractive than anyone else’s. He is a man and doesn’t derive it from a woman, but offers his masculinity to the woman.
  • Holding grudges: He does not hold grudges.. He has the heart to forgive for his sake. He knows that if he can’t forgive, he can’t move on.

A Don Juan is a positive attitude, and a positive attitude is Don Juan. No one defines him, but he defines who he is. He is who he is-no more, no less. He doesn’t react to other people because he knows that if he does, then has given them power and control over him, and he knows that others enjoy having the upper hand. His positive outlook helps him meet challenges head on. He looks at the good in everything and doesn’t notice the bad. He doesn’t even know the negative exists and people are drawn to him.

If a man can learn the ways of a positive mindset and change his subconscious thoughts to focus on the positive, he has mastered what makes a man attractive and a Don Juan. The clothes don’t make the man, the hair doesn’t make the man, his friends do not make the man, his car doesn’t make the man, his money does not make the man, his house does not make the man, but his attitude is everything and that is what defines him. You are your attitude.

The positive attitude is the Don Juan attitude and can get you anywhere in life.
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Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
printing.reading. gonna read dis everyday like its my religion :) good **** man, can see why great minds think alike!


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Mavrick.....u complete me

lol on a more serious note...good sh** here. Keep it up :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
Great post,but one thing I gotta disagree on is not holding grudges. What about when you go out of your way to help someone,do what you can for them,and then they severely screw you over?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Crossville TN
ItsOnNow said:
Great post,but one thing I gotta disagree on is not holding grudges. What about when you go out of your way to help someone,do what you can for them,and then they severely screw you over?
You dis own them ;)

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Very good post.

Postive energy will attract ALL around you, not just girls.
Everything that you desire, if YOU have a positive atitude, it will come to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
ItsOnNow said:
Great post,but one thing I gotta disagree on is not holding grudges. What about when you go out of your way to help someone,do what you can for them,and then they severely screw you over?
The key, as said above, is to forgive them for yourself. Forget them if you want, but you forgive them for your sake, so that you won't carry that anger forward in your life.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
This has to be in response to my money issues post lol

good one



New Member
Apr 17, 2008
Reaction score
I concur with everyone in that this is an excellent post.

Good job. :cool:


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
This is great. This is what I like about this website as supposed to other "PUA" sites; this is about personal growth as a human, which will benefit you not just with girls but in every aspect of your life.

Take what Maverick wrote to heart. This will help you in business or whatever you go into, not just dating.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Great thread. This should be in the Dj bible. Nice job.:up:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Evzone said:
which will benefit you not just with girls but in every aspect of your life.
Even better, your success with girls will come simply as a byproduct of having a great life in every other aspect.