a perfect pickup?


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Hello my friends,

I am positively beaming right now. I dont give away ratings lightly, I usually only go as high as an HB8, but today I saw a perfect 10, rare as it is, in a jewelery store at the mall.

I went in and lucky enough she opened with the usual "Can I help you?"

now, I might have stumbled on a great C&F routine as I replied with a coy smile "that depends... can you cook and clean?"

she responded positively with something along the lines of "I can cook, but cleaning isnt my thing.. what else can I help you with though?"

I said it was my niece's birthday and I was looking for a pendant for her so she helped me around the store. I noticed she was singing while she thought so I mentioned "do you know that you sing while you concentrate, its very cute".

She carried on helping me out and some fluffing. I then piped in with Style's C and U shape smile bit, telling her she looks like a cartoon kiera knightley.

She continued fluffing and asked what I do (IOI). I used my favourite comeback line I call the JDJob, telling her Im retired because I invented dice when I was six.

ultimately, I found a pendant for my niece (that part was true) and I said "I'll make you a deal, I'll buy this if you join me for a coffee". She said she would love to next year as she's going away and so am I.

hb10 proceeded to ring up my sale and give me a business card with her name and number and then said "bye JD (real name here)" (IOI - saying name out loud).

And that was that, an HB10's number in about 10 minutes and a really really envious look from my buddy who was with me.

So guys... any tips, comments or problems? Always looking for improvement - dont be shy.




Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Walnut Creek, CA
Not to burst your bubble there tiger, but many jewelry store workers get comission. She may just want you to return to but something, I have many friends that pull this same stunt, I was also guilty of the "flirting to get return customers" act once or twice when I worked in the mall

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
wow, no challenge!

You brag a lot man, you waiting for her to come into your game :p there is such a thing as 50/50 in seduction. She's got to qualify you, not you qualifying yourself...

So what tseluca said, to have a true qualifier you must KNOW when she is being nice and accepting your comments, compared to being interested and WANTING your comments. Confronting her and having her only fluff you.

She fluffed, which means, she just powder puffed you, she didn't really become seduced. There wasn't any magic in the conversation,
HB10: "can I help you?"

customer relations

HB10: ""I can cook, but cleaning isnt my thing.. what else can I help you with though?"

indication of lets get to the damned point

JD(real name here): "bye JD (real name here)" (IOI - saying name out loud).

indication you are making this out to be more than it is

I am reading your post and always wanting to say "great job" as that would mean I have a good AFC filter... but there are always half-duds. You were definitely pursuing her, in a very confident way, but you were qualifying her with your time and energy, which displayed over the top desperation...

You wanted her BAD!

PS there was no rapport, completely lacking, no BL discussion, nor EC... take your game to all levels, so your mistakes make up for your downfalls... like wearing pink and a big fuzzy white hat, and still coming off as a king ;)


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
cannot say untill you met her, coz as co-dj's said they will flirt for commisions like strippers.
wait and see


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Walnut Creek, CA
Boner, I had many of the same thoughts you did, she was just going through the motions to make the sale.

What you must realize is that she was at work, and she could not give you the cold shoulder or blow you off, and also, may times it is mandatory that sales people give cutomers their card. I bet if the sales person was a dude, you would have got his card to, and unless he is gay, he dont want to bone ya


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
A pick-up is a pick-up. Only time will tell if it's a success. Don't try to disect everything she did when you got her number. I've gotten numbers from women who seemed completely obsessed with me when I first talked to them, and then it turns out their interest level wasn't really there at all. I'm sure it could work the opposite way too. There's really no point in wasting time trying breakdown a situation. Just call her up and ask her out.


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
hey guys,
thanks for your replies. Your points are all really valid and justified. I think I am reading too much into everything - its hard to describe in total, but sometimes you can just get a vibe which you can quantify in a post. I dont get hung up on women, so I'll call her in a few and take it from there.. golden rule: never count your chickens.

Still, Im relatively new to all this, so getting numbers and as pointed out accurately... becoming confident doing so is really helping out and just makes it easier. I dont really feel any fear of rejection anymore, or very slight and for me getting this number, regardless of the situation helps the confidence and helps me grow.

I really do appreciate the feedback guys.

Out of interest, what do you think of the "what do you do" line? and the reply to can i help you? I've field tested them on a few other occasions with pretty good success.

Question: After giving a target the dice line, if she presses for your real job - do you give it?

-A humbled JD


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by JDrockstar
think I am reading too much into everything - its hard to describe in total, but sometimes you can just get a vibe which you can quantify in a post.
I remember the days when I used to read into every little thing women did. It completely consumed my thoughts and made me act all sketchy. Nowadays I ignore what they could be thinking and I just take action. It's the only way to proceed.