A Perfect Example Of A Guy Who Has Looks, Money and Status But Still Failing With Women


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Disclaimer: Yes I know it's a TV show take it with a grain of salt, however, guys like "Leo" do exist

Starts at 3:43

The guy is very awkward and has no game, his whole gimmick is "I'm Rich, I'm RICH" Guys like this exist believe it(typically Trustfund guys who have been rich all their lives) or not a perfect example of a guy who grew up with money but no self-awareness, no charisma, no game. Just look at the girl's reaction in the 14:20 mark you can tell she is not digging it. That still shot in 14:27 If you can't recognize that she's not into you. The 14:30 minute mark with the weird hand behind her head

Once again money, status, and even looks won't help you if you don't have a personality, self-awareness and can read the room and act accordingly!


Mar 6, 2017
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His whole gimmick is "I'm Rich, I'm RICH"
Im just stating the obvious (but hopefully someone new to game will read this someday): Terrible strategy (unless he´s looking for something along the lines of gold diggers / sugar babies) and pretty much a turn-off with hot girls (other girls too I guess but who cares about them, they are sexually invisible). He dries their p00zy faster than the Sahara Desert.

Instead of starting his interaction with women by blabbing about how much money he has, he should communicate that information in other ways aka "Show, dont tell". I think that would be a good start for him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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That is one charmless whiner. No money is going to compensate for having to be in his proximity.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Disclaimer: Yes I know it's a TV show take it with a grain of salt, however, guys like "Leo" do exist

Starts at 3:43

The guy is very awkward and has no game, his whole gimmick is "I'm Rich, I'm RICH" Guys like this exist believe it(typically Trustfund guys who have been rich all their lives) or not a perfect example of a guy who grew up with money but no self-awareness, no charisma, no game. Just look at the girl's reaction in the 14:20 mark you can tell she is not digging it. That still shot in 14:27 If you can't recognize that she's not into you. The 14:30 minute mark with the weird hand behind her head

Once again money, status, and even looks won't help you if you don't have a personality, self-awareness and can read the room and act accordingly!
Another way to think about this: The character played by Jared Leto on My So Called Life wouldn't have gotten panties around the world soaking, if he'd acted like Devon Gummersal... Even Claire Danes's pops on the show joked about him not having the guts to admit outright: "I hang around your house, because I want to see your daughter naked"


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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He has money and status. I don't think his looks are that amazing. He's not fit/muscular.

Other than money and possibly status as a business owner, he does not have much going for him. He might have enough money to carry him. He got reasonably far with Brittany based on money alone. She's into his money but wasn't into him in any way.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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He has money and status. I don't think his looks are that amazing. He's not fit/muscular.

Other than money and possibly status as a business owner, he does not have much going for him. He might have enough money to carry him. He got reasonably far with Brittany based on money alone. She's into his money but wasn't into him in any way.
You know you can convey money and status without actually having it?

Would it help?

I read a book by a former plastic surgeon. He said that after he altered people's faces, their personality didn't change.

Meaning, he made them pretty on the outside, but they couldn't overcome their negative view of themself

He was mostly right imo

Psycho-cybernetics I think it was. Highly recommended

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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You know you can convey money and status without actually having it?

Would it help?

I read a book by a former plastic surgeon. He said that after he altered people's faces, their personality didn't change.

Meaning, he made them pretty on the outside, but they couldn't overcome their negative view of themself

He was mostly right imo

Psycho-cybernetics I think it was. Highly recommended
The book was mainly about daily affirmations and meditation, in hindsight.

Imagining yourself as the person you want to become

Not so difficult, I reckon


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
He has money and status. I don't think his looks are that amazing. He's not fit/muscular.

Other than money and possibly status as a business owner, he does not have much going for him. He might have enough money to carry him. He got reasonably far with Brittany based on money alone. She's into his money but wasn't into him in any way.
He's not bad-looking and he's tall (I would say slightly above average, but that's not for me to decide but for women)

He has no personality, no game, even the money with Brittany wasn't enough once she saw him, you can see her recoil many times
Money can't make up for a lame personality and no game you still need it, heck I would say you need it more because women have higher expectations for a guy with money
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Money can't make up for a lame personality and no game you still need it, heck I would say you need it more because women have higher expectations for a guy with money
I agree that money can't make up for a lame personality. You have found an example of someone with a below average personality. While he has money, he doesn't have nearly enough money (he might need Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or Warren Buffett money) to compensate for his below average personality.

I disagree that you would need more personality with money. Money can take a guy with an average or slightly above average personality (nothing special, would easily get overlooked) and help him stand out.

Attraction and seduction come down to looks, money, status, and personality. That guy's personality was so bad and his looks were so mediocre that good scores in the other areas couldn't help too much.

I think he had a better chance of getting away with a weak personality if he were 6'2", muscular, and had low body fat.

He's not bad-looking and he's tall
I couldn't figure out how tall he is. Being 6'0"+ helps.

I perceived him as middle of the bell curve in looks and that doesn't mean much with women. Remember that there's data out there that says women rate 80% of men below average looking. He would be one of the 80% likely rated below average.

the money with Brittany wasn't enough once she saw him, you can see her recoil many times
She did recoil many times. Money and possibly status wasn't enough for her. She was the female most into him as another female wasn't into him at all in that video.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I disagree that you would need more personality with money. Money can take a guy with an average or slightly above average personality (nothing special, would easily get overlooked) and help him stand out.

Attraction and seduction come down to looks, money, status, and personality. That guy's personality was so bad and his looks were so mediocre that good scores in the other areas couldn't help too much.
It depends but in general, I disagree. If you have money and want to date the Brittney types you will have to have a big or interesting personality if you date a nerdy or average girl then yeah what you're saying is true. When dealing with above-average women especially if you have money the dynamics are different. Your Game has to be on point cause if it's not another guy will take her

Another rich guy not that good looking but he's got a personality and you can see that his girlfriend actually has fun with him and likes him