A NEG hit which I'm quite proud of


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Before I joined this forum I was always a funny person, that wasn't an aspect that I needed to work on.

I've always had the ability to make people laugh, more so in one on one situations simply because I often lacked the confidence to crack jokes to classes full of people and the like.

I suppose the only notable difference in that side of my personality since joining the forum is the fact that I now do crack jokes infront of classes full of people, and successfully as well.

Now humour plays a large part in being able to successfully NEG hit, seeing as there has to be something in there to differentiate it from just being plain insulting.

Therefore if you feel that humour is an area you need to work on then it may be wise to get it to a better level before you attempt a NEG hit, or you may find yourself getting slapped. ;)

It took me a while to learn to apply my sense of humour to NEG hits, which inevitably encountered a few failures along the way.

The one which I'm most proud of occured last Thursday at College.

I'd been gone a couple of weeks and had got back that day and went and talked to a HB8 who I spoke to fairly frequently in College.

When I got there she was being fairly blank, not rude or anything but slightly cold and not the warm exterior which I'd gradually built up before I'd left.

Rather than worrying about the reason behind it like I used to before joining this place (cheers lads :)), I just assumed she'd had a bad day or whatever and carried on as normal.

Now I know you're all thinking that using NEG hits on HB8's isn't the best of ideas but this girl is very sure of herself and needs to be taken down a pedestal or two to avoid getting pissed about by her. Infact, this very example will go some way to showing you her level of self-confidence, or "self-appreciation" as she calls it.

We got on the topic of her at work, she works at some chineese restaraunt where sleezy blokes hit on her.We then got onto the topic of the amount of tips she gets off these blokes:

HB8: One night me and all the other girls combined collected £80 tips.

Me: (looking confused) Were all the other girls really fit or something?

HB8: (smiling) I'd forgotten how annoying you are.

From then on the cold exterior went.

Now I know what you're thinking, that the NEG it's self wasn't that ingenious, the actual humour involved is nothing special.

Fortunately the purpose of NEG hits is not to have the girl in fits of laughter, it's to bring her down a notch or two and destroy and ***** shield that may be apparent, whilst at the same time just raising interest slightly.

That is exactly what that NEG achieved, down to pin point accuracy.

I'm very proud of that paticular one. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
not so bad.. pretty good situation to hit with a little neg like that..

this was what first came to my head.

HB8: One night me and all the other girls combined collected £80 tips.

You: Only the once?

some people may be so dim they miss the insult, but she's bragging about getting £80 and ur saying she should be getting that all the time. it appears an honest question and raises your value. she may even validate herself to you, "well no! we've done it a few times." or u may get a playful punch and a "f*ck you" with a smile.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
A neg-hit is meant to display disinterest... Since you asked a question, this is not the case..

The fact that you got her to smile during normal conversation meant that this is just a C&F response... not your purist Neg Hit!!


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Its a neg.

No idea why u need to show off your definition of it though.

Originally posted by MacDiddy
A neg-hit is meant to display disinterest... Since you asked a question, this is not the case..

The fact that you got her to smile during normal conversation meant that this is just a C&F response... not your purist Neg Hit!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LuisGarcia10

Now I know you're all thinking that using NEG hits on HB8's isn't the best of ideas but this girl is very sure of herself and needs to be taken down a pedestal or two to avoid getting pissed about by her. Infact, this very example will go some way to showing you her level of self-confidence, or "self-appreciation" as she calls it.

What??? Neg hitting was MADE for good looking girls. They're used to losers crawling on the ground for them because of their looks. When you neg hit it totally throws them off and drives them crazy ("Why isn't he bowing down to me!?!"). Its drives their IL higher.


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Mystery will cry if he ever read this board. Or tear his hair out.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
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Re: Re: A NEG hit which I'm quite proud of

Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
What??? Neg hitting was MADE for good looking girls. They're used to losers crawling on the ground for them because of their looks. When you neg hit it totally throws them off and drives them crazy ("Why isn't he bowing down to me!?!"). Its drives their IL higher.
You've misunderstood me.

What I meant was that it's made for the 9's and 10's where as the 8's might not be quite so high in confidence.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Did you by any chance play at the 1994 world cup and score some goals and then get into this dispute with your ex-wife about wether you beat her or not?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I always wondered why the bible preaches C+F it leads to the freindzone.

The most succesful technique to me is the mysterious,I don't give a fvck attitude.