A message to newcomers

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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History class was dragging on at its usual pace when the dullness was suddenly interupted. A student raised his hand and asked a question which had been answered seconds ago. Every student looked at the teacher who was silently thinking to himself. Slowly a grin appeared on his face.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" he asked in a non aggressive way

With a submissive grin on his face the student admitted he didn't

"Well If you ask girls questions like that then you wont any time soon. You have to listen. Just pay attention and keep the conversation rolling."

I sat up a bit, and listened as he continued.

"And if she complains about her problems, NEVER TRY TO SOLVE THEM. Women don't care about you're logical skills. They don't want you to give suggestions on what to do. Just say 'Gee that's a tough situation' and let them continue. Thats why it took me 37 years to get married"

This last bit of information stuck out in my head for one very big reason. I already knew this. I had learned in 10 minutes of reading on this site, what took him many years of failure. This site is full of useful, field tested truths about women that could normally take years to learn.

SoSuave will never replace the necesity of trial and error as well as practice, but it speeds up the learning curve. What used to take years can now take months, and anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort reading and practicing these methods can find improvement in many aspects of life.

Read, practice, and enjoy life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
True, I have been guilty of this in the past of when a girl complains about a problem with a guy, and trying to tell her what to do to solve her problems, but that puts guys right in the friends zone. When she says, "my ex bf said blah blah blah blah", it's best to just say, "that has to suck" or something like that and keep it moving.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
"And if she complains about her problems, NEVER TRY TO SOLVE THEM. Women don't care about you're logical skills. They don't want you to give suggestions on what to do. Just say 'Gee that's a tough situation' and let them continue. Thats why it took me 37 years to get married"

That's from the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray. The original book actually has good advice, but avoid the sequel books.