A little rant


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Beast Coast
How the **** does someone consider themselves a playboy, when all the get is fugly ass, disease infested club rats. I know people who have slept with multitudes of these things and honestly i'm not impressed. I cannot see how bragging about sleeping with 30 women who are insecure, nuts and have self esteem issues should even count for real. I've been with a few women and they all have been driven, sexy, had goals, had personalities, didn't need the club. In my eyes they are the real score, all wifey material to say the least. I just don't like to stick around long enough for that. Any thoughts on this? I just don't see the point in bragging about nailing something that everyone else can hit as well.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Beast Coast
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The only guy I know who does this is Zarky.

I do know plenty of guys who have superiority complexes about their marriages and relationships with UG's though.

As far as banging slvts, yeah there are too many posts bragging about that here. Its easy.

Was just talking to my current girl about this last night. Shes only been with a few people and haven't been with many considering what I see on theses boards and we got talking about past realtionships and she was curious why I never *****d myself out. Me personally I'm a quality over quantity guy. I'd rather get 7-8 high quality, driven professional women who if need be I can take a trip to Europe with and we can both afford our own ways, or someone who I can get a bottle of fine wine with and sit an actually enjoy it. Instead of sleeping with 30 girls who have no drive, have pumped 100 dudes in the past 3 months and the only trips i'd be taking with them are trips to the clinic. Most of the dudes getting the formentioned girls will be the guys sitting in the bar alone when there 55 still looking anyways. For real that's not game. Although I did do the escort thing once, just for ****s and giggles. Was fun but not fufilling.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Beast Coast
My analogy is this. Are you going to respect the fisherman that has 8 trophy bass on his wall or the fisherman who has 20 suckerfish on his wall. Just sayin.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
If you're talking about people on this site - I don't know too many who run around bragging about how many women they've slept with; hell I don't know any guys # on this site. On top of that - 30 isn't really anything abnormally high; or worthy of bragging about. Especially if they don't care about if she's a 1 or a 10. ANY GUY here could lay 30 obese ugly women in a month if that's what he went after.

But it's not worth bragging about having banged only a few women that you perceived as high quality either (it's nothing to be ashamed of though).

If you're talking about guys in real life - yeah, I know guys like this. I know a guy who will literally bang any woman with a big @ss. If it's on a 150 lbs frame or a 300 lbs frame doesn't mater. Then he'll brag to us about how he fvcked this girl with a big fat @ss all night last night; and all I'm picturing in my head is a disgusting beast of a woman with as many rolls in her chin as she has in her stomach.

But that's his victory dance... And I'm not into stepping on toes.

My analogy is this. Are you going to respect the fisherman that has 8 trophy bass on his wall or the fisherman who has 20 suckerfish on his wall. Just sayin.
1) The guy who catches fish for his survival.

2) The guy who caught 80 trophy bass, 200 suckerfish; and let them all go. And gives advice to 3) & 4) on how to catch each...

3) & 4) Both of the above... Who cares?.... They're probably both happy with what they're catching. I'm not a fisherman; but every fisherman I know - seems to be in love with the process of fishing more than the catch (the catch is just the payoff and proof that his process is working)....

The problem isn't one guy going after quality. The other guy going about quantity. That's mostly idealogical.

The problem is only if a guy wants something, and keeps getting something else. That's when there's a problem that needs to be explored.

The problem is when one guy is trying to catch that "one that got away" and that becomes his only goal in life... his obsession...

As long as he's happy with what he's getting/his own progress - let him brag... Let him be...

But if he's not happy - he should seek someone that seems to be the way he wants to become.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Beast Coast
Good points. I just agree that the chase is the exciting part. And going after women anyone can get is like a staged hunt. Just really not exciting. Never claimed to brag about the women I've been with. Just prefer a high class chick than a lot of guys I know. Ambition and Self Respect is a major turn on for me.