A Little Knowledge From A Veteran : It's Real Simple


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2002
Reaction score
I was crusin on the net, and decided to check this site out. Man, I cant believe they still have my username on file. As you can see, I came here in 2002. i had just graduated highschool and was a freshmen in college when i signed on to this site. Now i am 22 years old(Time flies!!). i ve come to let you guys know that it really isnt that serious.

Ive read tons of post over the years, about this, that, and how to get women. I just want to let you guys know that life is too short to be stressed out over this. When I see a woman, i do not hesitate like i used to. Whenever you see a woman that you like, just say to yourself 'Will i regret this later if i dont talk to her?" If the answer is yes, then approach that girl. If no, then it's your call.

In my years of being at college, and living life, I realized alot of us tend to overthink all this. Just smile, keep eye contact, make her laugh a little, and have a little confidence. One thing that is true is the more you talk to women, the better you will succeed. Because you will be more comfortable when you see a woman you like. Honestly, that's pretty much it. The rest will come, but those are pretty much all you need. because you dont want to be 25 or older still thinking about what could have happend if............

Anyway, that's about it. I remember back when I was posting, there were some guys that would post all this philosophical stuff (ie. pook)which is cool i guess? But it's really not that serious, just keep it simple gentlemen.

that's all i got. :up:

here are some threads might help you out: throwback threads




Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Jay83 said:

Anyway, that's about it. I remember back when I was posting, there were some guys that would post all this philosophical stuff (ie. pook)which is cool i guess? But it's really not that serious, just keep it simple gentlemen.

that's all i got. :up:
Thanks for writing your post. I too have noticed how all the philosophical stuff inadvertently made things worse. I have been looking at these forums for over a year and I realized I only had my best success when I stopped coming here and just went out and took things easy.

The problem with dating/seduction sites is that they automatically put women on a pedestal. Even if they are writing about how "un-important" they are, the irony is that reading so many posts about women automatically makes them important to you.

A lot of those giant philosophical posts made it seem like getting success from women was like preparing to go to Vietnam for war or something. That every interaction was some strategic battle plan. Every solution to a problem was to show dis-interest or become a challenge or only spend time focusing on "bettering" yourself.

When I didn't come on this site, I noticed I was no longer over-analyzing and taking all this so seriously. I probably won't come back. And I couldn't have said this any better than you: "I realized alot of us tend to overthink all this. Just smile, keep eye contact, make her laugh a little, and have a little confidence. One thing that is true is the more you talk to women, the better you will succeed.."


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Im also a veteran here.
I guess the only thing that is very difficult for the new guys to understand is that picking up girls is not that difficult.

just dont take it so seriously guys, remember that it is not a job interview and your life dont depend on it.....

I also understand how hard it is to understand what I just said because I was a full blown AFC once.