a Little help


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Hey Guys, I'm new to this site, and I'm glad i've found it. I sorta have a problem that I don't know how to deal with. Maybe someone can help. I've always been confident and don't seem to have too much of a hard time talking with women. Well, not to long ago, my homeboy's cousin set me up with a blind date. I'm usually not one to participate in these things, but it was more like a favor from me to him (or so I thought..). Anyway, the day comes and I meet up with this girl for some chinese buffet and a movie afterwards. When I got to the restaurant, the only girl inside was a "little person". I thought to myself "nah, thats not her. she must be late, that's all". So I waited another 15min and decided to ask her what her name was to see if it was her or not. Guess what; it was her! I was beginning to think that my long time friend had played a cruel trick on me. But not to be rude to this girl, I decided to go along with the date. After the date was over with, I realized how well we had been communicating & getting along. "I really like this little chick", i say to myself. So here is my little problem: As we were in the middle of our fourth date, I accendently said something about a midget in front of her during a convo....needless to say, she was p!ssed :mad: She hasnt spoken to me in two days now and I feel real hurt over this. What can I do to bring this awesome little chick back into my life? :confused:


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
That's pretty messed up. Have you tried sending her roses? Probably stay away from long stem roses, they may be as tall as her and make her mad again...