A little help from Experienced DJ


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys, I just need a little boost real quick. Im not just a man of theory, I go out and do what I know and what i've learned, and I enjoy fairly good success with the ladies. Not PHENOMENAL, but good. Now what I am having a problem with is A. avoiding the Friendzone, I get into it about half the time, and another problem is what exactly is my attitude? Please no "Do searches" posts, I have done it, but can somone Decicively tell me, WHAT IS MY MINDSET. WHAT KIND OF GUY AM I. Now im not saying, what is my personality, that i'm not changing, but what kind of approach am I using? The "Im a **** but I respect you" approach, or cmon gimme some more to work with. Thanks!


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Australia, Sydney
No one here will be able to determine your mindset or what your approach to women is. You've got to figure that out yourself.
Start by learning the basic fundamentals of the DJ mindset and attitude.
Read step one of the DJ Bible and keep going from there.
I suggest you look into some of David Deangelo's work as well.
Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
I used to always get labeled as friend to women, even if they thought i was cute, hott, attractive, Now i have huge amount of success with girls i actually feel attracted towards the only pinpoint i can see is that i escalate kino way more if i talk to a new girl for more than 15 minutes im already hugging and kissing her on the cheek or lips then game some more before i even get her number, if its a girl im not attracted too but is cool im hugging her, when i say goodbye i hugg her and kiss on the lips cheek depending on calibration, but you must use lots of push and pull storytelling untill there completly focused on the interaction between the two of you

this it instantly lets them know that
you must get alot of girls, your confident
She dosent see you as just some guy that she can toy and make a friend
and most importantly you cut down on girls who would just want to **** with your head and never really give you a chance