A Journal and a New Chapter


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score

Whats up? After lurking for months on here I have decided to finally become a member and start posting. I look to become a regular on here because I love what a lot of you guys are doing, especially in your journals (Norwegian, BPH, nino, all great stuff).

I want to start a journal as further motivation to become a true Don Juan. This is an interesting part of my life and I feel the need to master this area now so I can utilize it throughout my life to create happiness for myself.

A little about myself: I consider myself a fairly attractive guy and intellectually mature for my age. I'm entering my senior year in high school and I do well in school although without really trying. I also have the highest SAT in my grade as standardized tests are my strong suit. I am pretty popular and almost always have something to do, and am pretty confident and what not thanks to my social experiences, the teachings of the DJ bible, and other resources I have read. I don't really pull a LOT of *****, but more than the average guy I'd say. I'm caucasion. I'm an athlete. I like rap. I look to play college sports and am being recruited by a few different colleges.

I discovered DJism approximately a year ago. This was after a significant break up with a girl, and this helped put a end to my previous AFC ways.

To make a very, very long story short, I was with the same girl for another year and broke up with her just at the beginning of this summer for many logistical reasons, not because of any fights or disagreements or cheating or any normal breakup scenario.

After a relationship that long, I understand exactly how I SHOULD be dealing with the breakup as a Don Juan, however it is still extremely difficult for both parties. I no longer talk to her at all in order to get over her, because this is a girl I eventually want to be friends with. However she continues to pester me and call me out about who I'm hooking up with, basically scolding me despite the fact that she has moved on to other people too. Girls these days, huh? I ignore these forays at my feelings and conscience.

So overall I have dealt with the situation pretty well both emotionally and mentally, however I need to get myself over this hump of occasional emptiness and sadness that I experience. This girl was my first love and I was hers, so of course being a major part in each others lives for that long makes the situation difficult, to say the least. Moving onto other women satisfies sexual desires but what it does not satisfy is the passion I felt for one person for the first time in my life. Yes I had one-itis. But it wasn't just that. For a high school fling, this relationship was incredibly unique and something that we both still value.

So if any of you have words of encouragement here, by all means state them. I need a little help despite the fact I am well on my way down the road of recovery.

Anyway, I have a few ladies lined up right now that I look forward to gaming when I get back from being out of town in about a week. I will keep everyone posted on my progress and the events that transpire. Until then, keep me entertained with some advice or discussion about being a DJ or relationships. I have already learned a ton from you guys and your experiences and look forward to learning a lot more.

Take care guys.



Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I get the feeling that this is gonna be an awesome journal. Keep writing, strive for perfection and stay honest.

I get how you feel about your breakup dude. Partly at least. I think I asked my first GF to be together again the day after we broke up, even tho we both broke up.

Something Ive noticed a lot tho is that love is a self-hypnosis. That's how I see it at least. Whenever I start feeling something for someone, it's because I've thought a lot about them, couldn't get them, or anything that leads to me thinking about them really. Latest this friday. Invested a lot of time in one chick, and when I eventually lost her, I felt a loss. Going and making out with a random chick didn't really help either.
You might think it's weird, but I like the feeling of both 'love' and missing someone. Makes me feel alive, and adds something else into your day.

Looking forward to hearing more from you :)
900th post.. w00t!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Your already a step above average Joe buddy. Break ups are always hard, especially if she was your first love and a LTR (been there, got a post lurking somewhere around here telling the story of how I got over it and how much better I am for it).

Looking foward to reading your journal, I look into the other guy's occasionally but they're so many pages in now it's difficult to catch up to the end, and I don't like started something half way in.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
I get the feeling that this is gonna be an awesome journal. Keep writing, strive for perfection and stay honest.

I get how you feel about your breakup dude. Partly at least. I think I asked my first GF to be together again the day after we broke up, even tho we both broke up.

Something Ive noticed a lot tho is that love is a self-hypnosis. That's how I see it at least. Whenever I start feeling something for someone, it's because I've thought a lot about them, couldn't get them, or anything that leads to me thinking about them really. Latest this friday. Invested a lot of time in one chick, and when I eventually lost her, I felt a loss. Going and making out with a random chick didn't really help either.
You might think it's weird, but I like the feeling of both 'love' and missing someone. Makes me feel alive, and adds something else into your day.

Looking forward to hearing more from you :)
900th post.. w00t!
That's really an amazing outlook on the whole situation of relationships. I definitely see what you're getting at. I'm getting better at seeing everything in a positive light like that. Thanks man.

Nino-Tk said:
Welcome home dawg, really lookin' to know more about you, and about the girl, well you lost something that was a part of you, go through the healing process but like you said, you are well on your road to recovery.
Thanks man, looking forward to learning more about you all as well.

Plec07 said:
Your already a step above average Joe buddy. Break ups are always hard, especially if she was your first love and a LTR (been there, got a post lurking somewhere around here telling the story of how I got over it and how much better I am for it).

Looking foward to reading your journal, I look into the other guy's occasionally but they're so many pages in now it's difficult to catch up to the end, and I don't like started something half way in.
Yeah I'm really just trying to take it all as a learning experience for later on in life. It is something I will be better for no doubt.

So today... still out of town. Gaming a few girls from my cell phone this week. Like most this age I do a lot of texting and wanted to see if you guys had any advice on...

Escalating a conversation to something more sexual/flirtatious etc.

Sometimes I find myself in a monotonous conversation without much of a way to work game in more. Anyone have any advice/experience in the area? I find some girls a lot more witty/flirtatious but for the ones who do not match a sharp tongue its a little hard to get to where you want to in the conversation.

Thanks :yes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Bum said:
So today... still out of town. Gaming a few girls from my cell phone this week. Like most this age I do a lot of texting and wanted to see if you guys had any advice on...

Escalating a conversation to something more sexual/flirtatious etc.

Sometimes I find myself in a monotonous conversation without much of a way to work game in more. Anyone have any advice/experience in the area? I find some girls a lot more witty/flirtatious but for the ones who do not match a sharp tongue its a little hard to get to where you want to in the conversation.

Thanks :yes:
Your question isn't really hard to answer until your last sentence, cause now I can't give generalizing advice ^^

Hmm... Personally I just *Got it* after a little while and could easily steer conversations that way. First off, assess your situation. How interested is she? What's the risk/reward? (When I think of it.. there often will be a low risk compared to the reward, as she will respond positively if she likes you.)

You have to lead. You have to dive in first, if you know what I mean. Sexual innuendos are your best friends. Use them.

Remember that your goal with texting is either to get a meet-up eventually, or getting more attracted. Anything that doesn't fit these criteria aren't really worth texting.

I think I have some text examples in my journal, so just scroll through it really quick.

Turns out I gave general advice after all.

As for the chicks who don't really respond favorably, and aren't really that fun to talk with.. I dont really know. Again, lead it. Why don't you give me some answers for that one after you try different things out? :)


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
Your question isn't really hard to answer until your last sentence, cause now I can't give generalizing advice ^^

Hmm... Personally I just *Got it* after a little while and could easily steer conversations that way. First off, assess your situation. How interested is she? What's the risk/reward? (When I think of it.. there often will be a low risk compared to the reward, as she will respond positively if she likes you.)

You have to lead. You have to dive in first, if you know what I mean. Sexual innuendos are your best friends. Use them.

Remember that your goal with texting is either to get a meet-up eventually, or getting more attracted. Anything that doesn't fit these criteria aren't really worth texting.

I think I have some text examples in my journal, so just scroll through it really quick.

Turns out I gave general advice after all.

As for the chicks who don't really respond favorably, and aren't really that fun to talk with.. I dont really know. Again, lead it. Why don't you give me some answers for that one after you try different things out? :)
Yeah man generally I'm not too bad with it. So true about innuendos. It's just that for some girls even who show a decent interest level sometimes its hard to get that conversation steered in that direction like you said. Not to say it doesn't happen for me. A lot of times its really situational though, you just have to be creative.

I love the flirty ones though, so easy to get the convo going like that. ;)

With my current situation, a lot of these girls I'm gaming I've known for quite some time at my school and know well. I have a pretty good rep at school and know the primary social circle really well.

But because of this it should be noted I have much less of a selection of chicks that I've picked up or met just once or twice. I think I need to get out there and game these types just to get some experience. This is something that I will need to come into play next year as I'm going to a different school for my senior year. I'll most likely still hang with my good friends and people at my old school, but I'm looking forward to entering a brand new social scene. Almost like a nice trial-run before heading off to college.

Anyone have tips/experience on penetrating a new social circle?

Anyway I've blabbed on far too long.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
You have to lead. You have to dive in first, if you know what I mean. Sexual innuendos are your best friends. Use them.
Yeah so took this advice to heart... and very bluntly ended up securing **** buddy status with this HB7 senior. Nice. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Bum said:
Anyone have tips/experience on penetrating a new social circle?
You should read "Conquer your Campus" or my post on highschool. They both basically tell you to be awesome and proactive. Just be very positive and make people feel good, yet not wanting anything in return. Also be socially proactive and spend some time with everyone over a short time frame.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Ever since you've joined this forum, I've been thinking your name is "Burn" (like a flame). I only just realized it was "Bum". Now whenever you come up in my head, I think "Burn". :p

In retrospect, both are pretty cool names.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Norwegian: I am about halfway through Conquer your Campus. Great stuff.

Amohield: That has happened to me with RN looking like M online haha. Thanks though mane.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
In other news... Get back home tomorrow. I'll keep this updated. Hopefully some good stuff to come in the next few days.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Been away since yesterday and slept at a friends house. Went to a good little party, saw a lot of people I hadn't in a while. Definitely hit state early and since I knew a lot of people there it helped.

Some HB 8 (HB Julie) hit on me multiple times and I ended up hanging with her on and off that night... number closed. I used to know her better (and she wanted to hook up with me at one point) but she showed a fair bit of interest right off the bat... lot of kino... used some good c&f and ran solid game. We texted that night and a little this morning, but she stopped replying abruptly. I'm waiting a few days to make any contact again but hopefully will be hanging with this chick. Trying to read her though...?

Today didn't do much. Rest day from the gym, so sore from leg day and deadlifts, etc. Went to another party tonight for about an hour, didn't really hit state. Didn't know a lot of people. Not really worth it.

Hitting the sack so until tomorrow SS :yes:
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Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
I may be a little intoxicated right now but that is not to say I can't make a thoughtful journal post.

Went to a really small party, really with the aim to chill with this one HB 8... HB Ashley. Ended up playing BP with her and laying some serious c&f game along with teasing and a ton of kino. Got solid signs back and voluntary kino. This all resulted in me isolating her, offering her a mint, and immediately after moving in for the kill. Felt good man... first time I seriously grabbed my balls and made a bold/straightforward hookup attempt. Was short but sweet due to some complications. We will see if anything becomes of this... very well could.

Missed out on a big party with a ton of girls but it was further away and I figured I had a good chance of getting it with the closer party anyway. And I turned out fairly successful anyway.

Feel good about life right now... not just because of females (which really haven't been TOO successful anyway), but because of athletics, academics, social life, excited about going to a new school, and just overall happiness. I am happy for myself and hope that this doesn't sound like I'm gloating.

Get out there and do what you want and be where you want with confidence and some swag. Get some IOI's and move in. Good luck dudes. :rockon:


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the support nino.

Tonight's field report consists of little... went to party, mainly a ****fest. Saw a few girls I knew however, reconnected and ****. Ended up with one number from HB 8 Leslie.

Thinking about hanging out with HB Ashley tomorrow and perhaps getting further action alone with her. Possible flake situation as its up in the air but we will see.

Bum out :cool:


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Aaaaand got flaked on. :rock:

Unfortunate too because HB Ashley was a hot one, and since I already had gotten with her there could have been some solid sexual escalation.

Oh well, it happens, on to the next one. Really not too burned from this one at all, in fact I kind of expected it.

EDIT: The only reason I am not continuing anything with this chick is because she's leaving for vacation very soon. HB Ashley did text me back later on in the day and we chatted, seemed to be somewhat flirty so I don't really get what's up. Girls, right?
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Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Wow. Last few days have been hectic to say the least. I posted last night but only to realize my internet never allowed it to post, so here's the synopsis of the past few days...

Not much going on but have been doing a lot of laid back partying. Got a few more numbers. HB Leslie, HB Ashley #2, HB Julie. Also got number from HB Caroline.

Threw a party tonight... a few hot chicks including HB Leslie. Ran some game, didn't come out with much though because they had to leave early. HB Caroline came over for a bit as well. Ran more game. Despite no physical success, tonight was definitely a success as I strengthened bonds between a few new girls and was able to branch out as well. Looking to escalate in the days to come.

I plan to post every day, this week has just been busy as hell. Also, forgive my semi-drunken posting.

Goodnight SS.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Been pretty bored the past couple days. Had to do some cleaning and I've been in and out of town for athletic tournaments. I am really kicking it into top gear to try to be recruited for college athletics. I am going to be switching schools next year and this is going to certainly help my athletic game due to the resources and caliber of training at this school. Being a senior, this fall and winter is the time to get recruited and really this is my main priority. I am really looking forward to it.

With a new school comes a new social circle. This also is of interest to me as it will be like a miniature trial run before college. I am going to be implanted into a new social scene and while I will still have my old friends and contacts, this is a place where I can make a new reputation for myself. I am really looking forward to this as well.

Besides tournaments and what not the past few days (and continuing this week, for that matter), I did just happen to get laid the other night courtesy of HB 7 Ally. I had her and a couple other friends over and we all just ended up hooking up. I was able to escalate when necessary and had some decent sex. Definitely not the best, but considering it's been a while (since my previous girlfriend, months ago) it wasn't all that bad.

Despite this I didn't feel great afterwards. To be honest this was one of the few times in the past couple weeks where I have VERY BRIEFLY been down on myself about my ex... I do miss her. But to be honest I am so much better off and happier without her, and I kind of slapped myself for thinking otherwise. I am having a blast this summer and while she was a great partner and all, it was definitely time for the relationship to end so I can improve my game before college. And I believe that I am improving my game significantly.

If anyone has any reading material they think is worthy of my time, please post it up. I am considering reading some DeAngelo or something similar, as I am trying to become a better and more witty conversationalist. Continuing the conversation, especially to increase interest and what not, is what I am particularly interested in. Besides that, if anyone has any other must reads or must sees then let me know.

The high school forum has been lame lately! Let's ****ing kick it up a notch and share some experiences, as that's what it's all about.
