I wear my hair however I want. People may not like it, but fvck em. I they know I don't give a sh!t what they think about my hair and they begin to like it as a result, even though I'm getting a few grays it's grown out, but in 4 months I get it cut very short. People never see me the same and it's hard to pull off cause people don't like change (specifically for a Man). My hair currently kinda long. Older men may care, but I don't care if they think they're more "manly" cause they've got short hair and I don't at my age. I just wanna bang young girls, and I can get girls whether I have short hair or long hair, and I don't even comb my hair. I'm just one of those dudes who don't need to use a brush or a comb. I use my fingers and just go out there. The Shampoo you use is more important than a haircut in my opinion. Bad Shampoo will make me look like sh!t.