A guaranteed way to excite girls


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2002
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I am on the swim team at my highschool. One day out of the blue one of teachers asked me to bring a digital camera along to take pictures at the swim meet I agreed but thought it would be a hassle to have to carry around a camera the whole time. when we got there I had an Idea. I saw the opposing teams danceline practicing in the gym as I passed. I grabbed one of the freshmen swimmers and told him to play along with whatever I said. I approached one of the girls and asked if they would be willing to take a picture with the freshmen I brought along, To my surprise these girls got really enthused and were very willing to take a picture. These werent ugly girls either I would rate them 6.5-9 among them some of them were real lookers. So from than on we made it tradition to take pictures with a group of girls at every meet we went to. So what I guess I am trying to say is bring a camera along. GIRLS LOVE PICTURES