A girl wit no time???


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2004
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I've been trying to befriend a girl that I knew for a while now but never really got to know until recently. We were talking about a bunch of stuff and I asked her if she was had or was looking for a bf. She said that she had no time for that stuff right now. I know that when a girl says that to a guy, that usually means I don't like you in an indirect way. But, I was also wondering if thats what it means or does she actually have no time? I know she took quite a few classes this semester and it seems that all she does is study. Haha, she even said maybe next semester she'll look for someone. Any advice? Should I still try to hang out with this girl or should I just forget her. Recently, I've been trying to get together with her like for food and movies and stuff but she usually has homework.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Forget about her. From what you say she seems to study hard and her number 1 focus is school. If you pursue her you will be having her make a tough decision between school or You. If she was really attracted to you she would have said yes when you first asked her if she wanted a bf. THen you would have known that she was willing to free up time for a boyfriend.

Never pursue a girl that has to make one of these decisions of (incert hobby or work) vs you. Most of the time these girls are nothing but trouble and you will lose. Whether it be her valet hobby, to sports, whatever it is her personal interests will be put above you.
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Nov 13, 2004
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She might genuinely not have the time to get in a relationship with you.

If she's interested though, she should be able to find time for coffee/lunch between lectures or something low-key, chilled out and uncommitted.

I've got my final exams at Uni in a month - and there's a lot riding on them - I need good marks so I can get a job. So despite there being this very promising and quite stunning brunette in my sights, I'm just being friendly with her for now.

Halfway through May, I'll have a lot more time, and thats when I'll go in for the first move.

My advice is be friendly, try and hang out semi-regularly for this semester, like maybe once a fortnight - and make your move next semester when she knows you better and has more time.

In the meantime - keep your eyes open, she's not the only babe on the planet :D
Nov 13, 2004
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If you mean me - I'd rather play this one patiently than fail my exams - exactly how desperate do you think I am?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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When a girl likes you she will *make* time for you - I'd just forget this one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
you think that asking such questions you might hope she would give you the verbal green light........ wrong!!!!!

When you ask these stupid questions inorder to see what her feelings or her intentions are, you automatically get view as a weak inexpeirinced AFC... you AFC!!!!... She now has to tell you how its going to be...... And if its more hoops you have to jump, then your fcuked coz doing so means she'll have you on strings..... not doing so means she'll get pissed coz you didn't listen to her.....

When she says she doesn't have time.... irrelevant
Whe she says this.... irrelevant
Whe she says that.... irrelevant

IOI (indicators of interest) don't come from direct or indirect questioning... they come as a result of you providing attraction through being funny, charming, C&F, story telling, patterns or just being confident...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by MacDiddy
you think that asking such questions you might hope she would give you the verbal green light........ wrong!!!!!

When you ask these stupid questions inorder to see what her feelings or her intentions are, you automatically get view as a weak inexpeirinced AFC... you AFC!!!!... She now has to tell you how its going to be...... And if its more hoops you have to jump, then your fcuked coz doing so means she'll have you on strings..... not doing so means she'll get pissed coz you didn't listen to her.....

When she says she doesn't have time.... irrelevant
Whe she says this.... irrelevant
Whe she says that.... irrelevant

IOI (indicators of interest) don't come from direct or indirect questioning... they come as a result of you providing attraction through being funny, charming, C&F, story telling, patterns or just being confident...
True enough...if it's been said once, it's been said a BILLION F**KING TIMES...pay attention to what women DO, not what they SAY.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
i ended my relationship if my gf bc she was such student freak that she would not have time to take a fuking piss

Nevertheless, in the end i never knew if she really didn't have time or she didn't fancy me that much...

probaly both

so, don't go for those freaky one... go for someone who knows that life isn't only ur job, ur hobbys, ur family, sex, ur gf/bf

life is everything, and if u focus only in one thing, you are completely doomed', like my ex will be soon


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
When a girl makes seemingly casual statements such as:

1. I'm so busy all the time.
2. I have to study all the time.
3. etc, busy statements

They are weak shields placed up around them that they are unavailable to you. When a handsome movie star comes by them and asks them out for movies, they'll ignore homework for an entire week.
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Realistically though guys - how many of you expect a woman to treat you like a handsome movie star?

If you aren't one, why should she?

If she hasn't got time for you this week but she can just about squeeze in Brad Pitt who the hell are you to sulk??

A date with a hot movie star is a once in a lifetime event... For the average college girl, probably more like a once every 6 lifetimes. In the light of that, its more likely that even a woman that respects you, and is interested in you would make an exception in that case!

I expect respect and interest, from a lady - not worship! Chill with the ego - it looks like overcompensation!


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DrSoSuave
When a girl makes seemingly casual statements such as:

1. I'm so busy all the time.
2. I have to study all the time.
3. etc, busy statements

They are weak shields placed up around them that they are unavailable to you.
what do u think if its not casual. this girl i know says she is over worked every time we talk. and she says it unprevoked. and it literally is EVERYT TIME. and with out taking too much of yall time explaining everything lets just say I know she has a decent amount of sh.it on her plate. Sometimes i talk to her and she is about ready to cry cuz she is so stressed about it but i can usually make her laugh enough to not cry (mostly so i dont have to deal with that cuz i could not deal with a crying chick who wasnt at least giving me head on a regular basis).

anyways, over-stressed out chicks are new to me so i dont even got a clue, lol.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
my gf is busy all the times and my schedule too (work and school) but we make it work sometimes. lke visiting her at work and making feel special.....

they need space sometimes ...and trust is the right word for it..... and also be busy at all times dont just think about her think about your future too ....get a degree, make more money, Volunteer, join club, workout!!!

everytime i see her i make it worth it!!!

but if your just hooking up after the first date and want a second a date she keeps ignoring or busy.... dump the bit ch......next her but stay friends with her...cuz some girls have a lot of Hot friends!! like call her just to say hi or something play with her .......get your dj skills shape out for the next girl....

Used her as a training