A future possible?


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
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To preface, I'm typically a relatively shy guy unless I get mind-boggling drunk. I ended up going to this Formal (because they had open bar) for my college with a group from my college of 12 girls and 2 guys, of which only 1 girl I knew. On the way I sit next to this one girl, S (not the one I originallyknew), and we talk the entire time because it appeared that she didn't know anyone as well. We get to the formal and eat, get some drinks, and talk some more; it's pretty obvious that she and I don't know anyone else, people are asking if we're a couple and other disarming **** like that, eventually she shows me how to dance Greek (this is a Greek formal), and we talk all the way on the ride back. I ended up facebooking her (a website AIM type thing for college students), but when she didn't facebook me back or respond in any way, I assumed the worst.

Fast forward to the Senior Formal. I end up getting very drunk and start hooking up with some random HB5-6 at the formal. On the way to the buses back to the campus, I see the original chick again and we start talking -- she seemed pretty surprised to see me and was curious why I hadn't contacted her before. Unfortunatley the HB5-6 was still with me, we get on the bus, and the HB5-6 sits next to me while the other girl sits in the seat right in front of me. I figure that **** has hit the fan and this isn't good. Two days later we graduate and, as I'm waiting in line to receive the diploma, the Greek Formal chick starts chatting me up out of nowhere, good coincidence. Right after this we're outside getting our diploma cases and crap, I see her again, she says "I'll probably never see you again, good luck" and gives me a hug. So I drive home and say, **** this, and send her an e-mail: "a bunch of seniors are going to the bars tonight, if youre interested, give me a call, here's my cell". She responds a few hours later with, "they're making us move out of the dorms at 6PM, so I won't be here tonight! But, if youre ever in Chicago and want to hangout, here's my cell- ".

Now, I'm confused how to proceed. Is this a sign of overt interest? Also, I normally live (when I'm not in college) 1700 miles away, but I'm giong to lawschool about 200 miles away from where she lives (Chicago) and will be in Chicago for a week next month. Is this too long of a time between encounters? Is she definitely interested? What should I do?


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Louisiana, soon Montreal
Travelling isn't worth it. Duplicate your success with her with other girls nearby. How do you do that? Just talk to lots of women and be fun and outgoing. Some of them will bite. Don't sweat this one girl, especially if there wasn't at least some passionate kissing and fondling.