A first tip...

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
So, I would like some feedback from this...

A friend of mine who is a bit of an AFC / (trying to be a player but not very good) actually ended up bagging a pretty cute girl, and I actually kinda feel bad for this, but I stepped in the car after a night at the bar while he was already waiting with this girl.

Anyway, I step in the car and my friend introduces his newfound friend. Her name was one of those names that could be for both sexes... ie : Pat. So, first thing I tell her is
"Isn't that a guys name."
I wouldn't have ever said something quite that harsh to a woman before, I usually am a little sarcastic with women either way, but this was a bit far even for me, it actually did get a smile out of her... and my friend telling her that I'm a bit of an ******* (Laughing In My Mind (LIMM))... so, for the rest of the ride this girl was giving crazy eye contact and smiling at me and continued to tease her constantly, and all... my buddy was driving, so I really don't think that he noticed. I really kept it at that, because I didn't want to cut my friends grass.

Today, me and my buddy were talking :
Him : "You can be a prick with women now"

Me : "You really have to treat the women like their beauty doesn't phase you... tease them, it makes them think(in their girly / cartmen like voice) 'ohh, I just gotta tame this bad boy'."

Him : "but that's just not my style."

Me : "You don't need to be that harsh, but trust me doing that makes it seem like you have known each other forever (rapport?). Let's go with the extreme, look at XXXXXXX he is the nicest guy you'll ever know, but, god bless him, he'll never have a hot girl like that."

Him : "But he just doesn't try at all..."

Me : "He is the extreme remember. Now, look at XXXXXX."

Him : "He's just funny as hell."

Me : "And he's a pimp. I'm just funny in a different way.... at least I try to be with the ladies... well... the hotter they are, the harsher I am... because they have that many more men drooling over them, and even then I still get rejected my fair share of the time."

Him : "Ok, I see your point. But, I still did manage to hook up with that girl last night, what do you have to say about that?"

Me : "Hey! I got a chicks number too. And, I was using my style... Let's talk about these girls in a couple weeks."

Him : "Aiight. Anyway, do you remember ..........."

Please rate...


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Its not that bad.

But what is there to say. You probably could have stolen this chick away from that guy with one ****y comment.

Your methods seem solid.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Man don't worry about what he is doin'. Call that number you got and set up some ****fest. :D