1. My gut instinct is usually 100% right, especially when it comes to female interest. If your gut is telling you a chic interested or disinterested.....LISTEN TO IT!
2. For the guys who keep calling a specific girl and she gives them the run around.....SHE's NOT INTERESTED. Believe me, girls will make it very clear EX. saying yes and going out on a date with you. Unavailability = no interest.
3. If you call a female and leave her message, and she doesn't call back.....NEXT. Don't sit around and try to analyze the situation and figure out reasons to call her back. Let me ask you something. If a hot girl leaves you a voicemail....you'll call.....plain and simple.
4. If a girl is complimenting you (you have white teeth, i like your hair, you have nice eyes, etc.) 9 times out of ten, they are hitting on you. Girls aren't as sophisticated as guys when it comes to come ons, so they use the lame ass physical come on to open you up. It's her way of saying talk to me, i'm available.
5. If a girl picks you up, next her! From experience all the chics who picked me up and made the first move were psychos and emotionally disturbed. Be the man, get her digits, and make the first move!
2. For the guys who keep calling a specific girl and she gives them the run around.....SHE's NOT INTERESTED. Believe me, girls will make it very clear EX. saying yes and going out on a date with you. Unavailability = no interest.
3. If you call a female and leave her message, and she doesn't call back.....NEXT. Don't sit around and try to analyze the situation and figure out reasons to call her back. Let me ask you something. If a hot girl leaves you a voicemail....you'll call.....plain and simple.
4. If a girl is complimenting you (you have white teeth, i like your hair, you have nice eyes, etc.) 9 times out of ten, they are hitting on you. Girls aren't as sophisticated as guys when it comes to come ons, so they use the lame ass physical come on to open you up. It's her way of saying talk to me, i'm available.
5. If a girl picks you up, next her! From experience all the chics who picked me up and made the first move were psychos and emotionally disturbed. Be the man, get her digits, and make the first move!