I was thinking about my future career and I I am sure that most people dont consider this when choosing a career, but I am. Its the sex factor. In other words, its how well the job helps you become a DJ.
For example, a firefighter has to be brave and strong and those qualities can easily translate into Dj material and so can people in the Armed Forces, since they are taught to fight fear and such, and when these people go clubbing or dating they already have the masulinity aspect down pat.
In comparison on an average, a person who is doing computer programming will tend to be geeky and introverted and reserved and wont excel in dating, unless he can overcome the job's and natural tendencies of his persoanlity that attracted him to that job in the first place.
The job or career we choose has alot to do with our personalites and what we are like.
So I was thinking what jobs would help cultivate the DJ spirit/mindset which is basically about conquering your fear.
the obvious are firefighters, police, army.
But what about some desk jobs, because they tend not to pay as much, its not fair I have to have my balls cut off just to make some money. I would be a firefighter in a heart beat if they made like 70k.
Anyway all I can think up of are
Fire Fighter
Not Dj:
Any "geeky" ocupations will not help you foster Dj mentality, and thats just my opinion. And by geeky I mean any career that involves isolated and complicated and intricate work away from people.
By no means does it mean engineers cant be pimps.
Any more suggestions?
For example, a firefighter has to be brave and strong and those qualities can easily translate into Dj material and so can people in the Armed Forces, since they are taught to fight fear and such, and when these people go clubbing or dating they already have the masulinity aspect down pat.
In comparison on an average, a person who is doing computer programming will tend to be geeky and introverted and reserved and wont excel in dating, unless he can overcome the job's and natural tendencies of his persoanlity that attracted him to that job in the first place.
The job or career we choose has alot to do with our personalites and what we are like.
So I was thinking what jobs would help cultivate the DJ spirit/mindset which is basically about conquering your fear.
the obvious are firefighters, police, army.
But what about some desk jobs, because they tend not to pay as much, its not fair I have to have my balls cut off just to make some money. I would be a firefighter in a heart beat if they made like 70k.
Anyway all I can think up of are
Fire Fighter
Not Dj:
Any "geeky" ocupations will not help you foster Dj mentality, and thats just my opinion. And by geeky I mean any career that involves isolated and complicated and intricate work away from people.
By no means does it mean engineers cant be pimps.
Any more suggestions?