A DJ In Your Own World.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Get the movie "whipped." Rent it. Use it. It's funny and it underlines a point, a theme that needs to be understood.

A brief overview...

Whipped is the story of 3 players who fall for the same girl and duke it out to win her affection only to learn she was playing them back. It's a story in which those reap what they sow. The guys who fight for Amanda Peete's affections are 3 varied guys. Guy 1 is an artist. Guy 2 is a stockbroker. And Guy 3, well he's an AFC. Prior to meeting Amanda Peete, the guys are successful at scoring chicks, just not the right ones. They're cleptos, or freaks, or liars, or psychos. But they still score lots of them anyways.

That said, these guys displayed confidence because they were comfortable as who they were and in their own world. They didn't try create an artificial world and adapt to it. They didn't try to meet social constructs and live out someone else's existence.

And the same holds true of our forefathers. The true genius' of our time, Franklin, Washington, Edison, etc, did what they did for the pure joy of it. Social gain was not their aim. Their life was the summation of all they loved, and they did it quite well.

Some of you have remarked about "not meeting people." Well, what are you meeting people for?

I say this because, "not meeting people" is a symptom of some underlying disease, most notably...not have a life of your own THAT WILL LEAD YOU INTO THE LIVES OF OTHERS.


Life being a journey, things just naturally happen to people who believe that. When they say the rich get richer, it holds true. Because you develop an eye for wealth and good investments. And people want to bring deals to those who can get them done. Wouldn't you???

The same applies here. You can piecemeal the whole game plan, and you'll "get lucky" here and there, but long-term happiness won't be your's to own. I have many friends who've had ONS galore with cute chicks, but the girl never surfaced again and the friend went back to his old ways. Momentum lost.

If you're developing the same skills as everyone else, and developing your body the same was everyone else, and buying into the same social fashions as everyone else, you've got no leg up on the competition. Women won't be able to discern you from the crowd. They won't pass a look your way. Because they won't see you. And it isn't about looking like a male peacock. It's about BEING YOU, developing you and being proud of it.


Get away from thinking of things in terms of "what have I done socially" and get towards "what have I done for myself to advance toward some goal or ideal or dream." Much failure comes in the way of measuring oneself against outside yardsticks.

It's like using a ruler from Europe measured in meters, when we use yards. They don't match up. It would make it tougher. Or even a different currency in the wrong country.

Fact is, social recognition is the poorest motivating factor, because it puts a limit on your capability.

What is your own world?

It's things you enjoy doing, for the sake of doing them. It's not buying into things simply for their return. At 25, I don't give a rats arse what I do that appeals to women. I don't. I golf (most women think that boring). I enjoy paintballin' (most women, unless they know think it's geeky). I like fantasy football. I like poker. Who cares what I like besides me? And that's all that matters.

We should all be active, if only for our health, but combine the benefits with a sport or activity if you can. Not only will you stick with it longer, but you'll advance further along in some outside hobby AND meet new people.


Many times people say "join a group." But what group? Well, what interests you? If you like Real Estate Investment, go join a real estate club. Or Stock Club. Or Toastmasters. Or a local paintball league. Or enter local poker clubs. Whatever.

DOING these things automatically bring women into your life. You don't need to meet them. THEN, the value of pick up principles works better because you have the added power of using your reality.

You see...when women meet men, they buy your reality. You don't buy their's. If they are allowed to bull you over, they've won, and it's hard to redeem yourself. That's the point where a man truly demonstrates "he doesn't need a woman." Why? Because he has his reality. Not a comfort zone, but boundaries, of what he likes and dislikes, wants and doesn't want.


Each man is capable of being a pimp in his own way. Women have preferences, and rest assured there are MORE women than QUALIFIED MEN. I say qualified, because there's plenty of men, but most aren't suitable as a man to take care of woman. Sure, fvck her, but not be there and be worth anything to her. And yes, you can take the attitude of only being out for yourself, but I uphold the personal philosophy of ADDING to the world instead of SUBTRACTING from it. I don't believe the earth is the only place we're going so I don't feel like carrying the karam on my soul forward.



*Get involved. Don't do it for the sake of women, but your own enjoyment. Things most people find weird, I do, just for me. Like golf by myself, to improve or meet new people. Or, I'd go to bars alone, knowing I'd run into a girl I knew or a new girl to meet. I didn't care what people thought.

*Truly realize your dreams. Don't think on it, but what 1 or 2 things in a year from now would make you happy enough to feel productive? Accomplished? Successful? Write them down. You have one minute. Focus on those dreams.

*People form habits, habits form futures. If you are not doing the habit now, it will never take shape. Keep in mind, YOU TAKE action on the world, NOT vice versa. Don't wait for some drastic life altering event to motivate yourself. Prevent catastrophe now and live out your dreams. If you want a new body, at least do something small to today. Tip the scales of change.

*Meeting women is a PROCESS. Start small. Read info here. Never stop learning. Never stop growing as a person. Remember, your PUA skills are good, most notably in the short-term. Anything mid to long-term will require your value as a human being, and not some PUA. Most guys I know who get laid like crazy are deep down good people, because you want to be around them. They're SUCESSFUL everywhere in their lives. It's also a function of the KINDS of women you approach and date, too.

*Put more emphasis on your growth than anything else. True wealth only comes from within, not without. Those billionaires who keep racking up the billions do so because THEY ARE worth lots, not their company. When a company is sold, it's the branding of the person, and the branding is often PERCEIVED value. If the real and perceived VALUE is high, so will the price. If it's perceived low, then low it is. At a company, making yourself better at your job doesn't make you more valuable, it's make you more TRAPPED, because if they ship that job overseas, or you fvck your secretary and they axe you, you have no other job in that industry. What now sherlock?




Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
great great post :up:



Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
greatttt post dude!

any torrent link for the movie?
i tried searching by the title only porns came up.:(