A common situation

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
After driving around aimlessly with my buddies for a while I talked them into finding some girls to hang out with. I flip through my friends contacts asking him who we should hang out with. When he tells me one girl is out with her friends, I see it as an excellent opportunity for us all to practice our game a little.

When we get there one of my friends decides to chill in the corner cause he already knows one of the girls is willing to date him, and the other one freezes like a deer in the headlights. Just standing around them makes me feel a little out of place, and I don't want to make a bad first impression. When one of the girls tells us to sit down somewhere I take an empty seat on the couch. A few seconds later a hotty sits down next to me and I introduce myself to her and her friends.

After some light kino and her taking some pictures of random people in the room, followed by us two close together, I end up in a situation that I'm sure has happened to a few of you before. A guy whos there that I know a little bit decides to tell me to put my arm around her.

I don't know if its just me or what, but when someone puts a blatant thing out there like that it becomes a very awkward situation. It throws off the natural flow, and frankly threw off my game. I was still only getting the friendly possibility vibes from her and I didn't feel like pressing my luck quite yet. How do you usually play it? I couldn't think of any DJ style responses, and just wasn't sure if I should have taken his advice.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
I say she wouldn't have minded you putting your arm around and she would have liked it, so you should have at least tried it and with a smile. If she didn't like it, then you wouldn't have to worry about her anymore because you would have known if you had a chance to hit it or not.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
i duno if this sounds like a good idea but the first thing that popped into my head is for u to tell her
"hmmm how much did u pay him to say that? do u really want me that bad?"