A chilling lesson learned aimed for newbies


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
well now it's my turn to give back to the sosuave for everything I learned from this board.And what better way to give advice that through personal expirience.let me share what happened to me because it scared the sh*t out of me;probably this will never happen to you but just refer to this when your scared of not approaching.

Well its been like a week since this happened to me. I got home all scraped up because I had fallen off my motorcycle, I felt dead tired but I didn't think I needed medical assistance. As I was cleaning myself up I remembered looking in the mirror as I felt my whole body get numb,and I could hear everything quiet down.and my vision started getting obscurred and kinda blurry.I couldn't explain it but I knew I was going to die.

Death the very thing we all fear and it came upon me.Then I thought to myself this can't be happening I obviously couldn't die I havent even finished my career or have gotten married.then all of a sudden everything got back into perspective and I could see everything the way it was before. well as it passed i thought back to times when i just could't approach and the life flashing before my eyes happened.At this point I realized I should not let opportunities with women pass or be scared of anything for that matter.

The point of this post is for all the newbies who are still scared sh*tless of girls.Get rid of your fears because you never know when your end may come.You have no control of when you are going to die,but you do have control of what actions you take before that day comes.So take every open door you get with women or better yet make your own chances by not being scared of anything because there is nothing you should be scared of.be outgoing,have confidence in the way you look,and one of the greatest things you can do for yourself is not to let anyone bring you down just because they are insecure of themselves.Show the world your true self, and be the don juan you always desired to be.Because it's in all of us guys you just have to be mature enough to find it in yourself.DB9


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Nice post for the newbies.

Good read by the way.:)


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Making the most of MY life
Same thing happened to me at gym. I hadnt eaten nor had a drink. After 45 minutes i basicly collapsed. I couldnt standup i coudlnt see, i had an EXTREME headache, i couldnt talk i also needed to ****.. One of the worst feelings ever, i too thought i was going to die.. Its basicly just our body shutting down to warn us that we are injured and that anymore work could seriously harm us, my case keep working out and tare muscles. Anyway my coach gave me a gatorade and i was all good but extremely week after half an hour.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Bradford, England
I agree! Im no pro Don Juan or anything like that, but i do recognise the importance that life aint stoppin while we pluck up the courage - we gonna die one day. Thing is, i neva learned that thru reading a sentence.I wasn't like "We gonna die one day...oh no!!" and my whole life transformed. It took experiences where i actually FELT the low points of being the way I was.

This aint a life story lol, but a long story short - had a girlfriend, broke up, arranged 2 meet her, she said she was in college workin, i walked up near college 2 see other people around n she was there wiv another guy. It totally ripped me up, i felt the pain of bein the way i was,always feelin sorry 4 ppl not wantin 2 hurt them while they out there not carin if they hurt me and i needed a way 2 get out, ie - the "im gonna die one day so none of this matters" belief!

All i can add on 2 this is experience it n feel it! u dont av 2 go out jump infront of a car n face near death - just face pain head on.Charge right thru it - it works. We tryin too damn hard to avoid the pain but too much of life is painful Just go thru the pain. One day all the pains gonna go anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
LOL, you just took all the mascuinty outta that post and made it sound all weak and girlish.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
lol:rolleyes: i didn't faint because i was concience the whole time while it was happening.hey but thanks for most of the good feedback. by the way take this small tip to heart it really can make a difference between being an passive DJ and being an active DJ.well going on to live many more cherishful and active days of my life DB9