Master Don Juan
This is an essay written by Napoleon Hill. It can apply to all areas of life including dealing with females. Thought it was good stuff so i figure i'd show everyone.
A Challenge to Life:
Life – you can’t subdue me because I refuse to take your discipline too seriously. When you try to hurt me I laugh and the laughter knows no pain. I appreciate your joys where ever I find them, your sorrows neither discourage nor frighten me for there is laughter in my soul. Temporary defeat does not make me sad I simply set the music to the words of defeat and turn it into a song. Your tears are not for me, I like laughter much better and because I like it I use it as a substitute for grief and sorrow and pain and disappointment . Life you are a fickle fixture don't deny it, you slipped this emotion of love into my heart so that you might use it as a thorn which to prick my soul. But I learn to dodge your trap with laughter. You try to lure me with desire for gold but I have fooled you by following the trail that leads to knowledge instead. You induced to beautiful friendships and then convert my friends into enemies so you may harden my heart but I side-stepped your fickleness by laughing off your attempts and selecting new friends in my own way. You caused me to cheat and drink so I will become distrustful but I win again because I possess one precious asset which no one can steal. It is the power to think my own thoughts and be myself. You threaten me with death, but to me death is nothing worse than a long peaceful sleep and sleep is the sweetest of human experiences excepting laughter. You build the fire of hope in my heart then sprinkle water on the flames but I go you one better by rekindling the fire and I laugh at you once more. Life you are licked as far as I'm concerned because you have nothing which to lure me away from laughter and you are powerless into scaring me into submission. To a life of laughter then, I raise my cup of cheer
- Napoleon Hill
A Challenge to Life:
Life – you can’t subdue me because I refuse to take your discipline too seriously. When you try to hurt me I laugh and the laughter knows no pain. I appreciate your joys where ever I find them, your sorrows neither discourage nor frighten me for there is laughter in my soul. Temporary defeat does not make me sad I simply set the music to the words of defeat and turn it into a song. Your tears are not for me, I like laughter much better and because I like it I use it as a substitute for grief and sorrow and pain and disappointment . Life you are a fickle fixture don't deny it, you slipped this emotion of love into my heart so that you might use it as a thorn which to prick my soul. But I learn to dodge your trap with laughter. You try to lure me with desire for gold but I have fooled you by following the trail that leads to knowledge instead. You induced to beautiful friendships and then convert my friends into enemies so you may harden my heart but I side-stepped your fickleness by laughing off your attempts and selecting new friends in my own way. You caused me to cheat and drink so I will become distrustful but I win again because I possess one precious asset which no one can steal. It is the power to think my own thoughts and be myself. You threaten me with death, but to me death is nothing worse than a long peaceful sleep and sleep is the sweetest of human experiences excepting laughter. You build the fire of hope in my heart then sprinkle water on the flames but I go you one better by rekindling the fire and I laugh at you once more. Life you are licked as far as I'm concerned because you have nothing which to lure me away from laughter and you are powerless into scaring me into submission. To a life of laughter then, I raise my cup of cheer
- Napoleon Hill