Senior Don Juan
For me some kind of beta unplugging is going on, partly by Tomassi’s books. I’m 37, notch count 13, of which 2 were considered satisfactory (one affair and a mistress). It’s been many years without sex, and I am overall unsatisfied with my sex life so far, so:
Tomassi writes in book 2, chapter Mental Point or Origin:
“[…] It’s when I started putting women as a goal, making them into more than just a source of enjoyment, that I transferred that mental point of origin to her and I became the necessitous one.”
And that’s what I’ve done too. So the above bullet points is my mental point of origin, and it is grim. Hence my frame becomes grim, and I needy.
Many in the manosphere says “Be confident”, “have a good frame”, but how the hell do you practically achieve that? As Tomassi writes in book 1, if he knew how to solve these problems/get good at game he would be rich.
I think the kind of digging I do above, is one way to improve frame and confidence. Because, Tomassi writes the mental point of origin is the import and priority that populates that frame. Hence, I think the vulnerable psychological babble as above is what needs to be done — we need to look at and address the mental point of origin to fix our frames, if that is a significant source to trouble.
I made women my goal, just like Tomassi. I wonder how people fix this. I’ve since long lived with a panicked scarcity mindset as mental point of origin. I can’t just “focus on my grind” — nothing happens then. I’ve no trouble accepting The Burden of Performance (Tomassi, book 2): I need to do something actively, the question is what, how and how much.
As with Tomassi I once had alpha traits first because it came naturally, it’s after “the dent” and attempt to “synthetically reconstruct” that things gets hard.
Have you had a similar situation or know how to approach this?
- I envy all you here that are younger than me, and awakened much earlier or simply were/are better men. You already have or will have a better life when you reach my current age.
- I mourn the lost opportunities. Due to a high SMV I’ve had opportunities for models and the like, but due to my beta nature and what not I’ve freaked out. (and still working on these things.) “Lost pleasure” is a bit philosophical — how does that past matter now? I guess none, but it’s still plaguesome and hard to ignore. The “what/imagine if”.
- I’m ashamed of all these mistakes and my then strong beta nature; though hopeful I’ll fix it now to a satisfactory level.
- I got thoroughly rejected in early age, 21-23 (due to beta nature) by the two women I either loved or was strongly attracted to, and it maybe set the tone. I got this message “you’re not good enough”, despite having qualities that many successful men had so I couldn’t make sense of it and also took it to heart. Now later on I realise it was not because of what I did right, but what was wrong: all the beta things. And I’m getting closer to having those things fixed now.
- The way I’ve (not) been with women, does not match my ideal self identity which is rather traditional: a man who conquers women. It’s tough to bear.
Tomassi writes in book 2, chapter Mental Point or Origin:
“[…] It’s when I started putting women as a goal, making them into more than just a source of enjoyment, that I transferred that mental point of origin to her and I became the necessitous one.”
And that’s what I’ve done too. So the above bullet points is my mental point of origin, and it is grim. Hence my frame becomes grim, and I needy.
Many in the manosphere says “Be confident”, “have a good frame”, but how the hell do you practically achieve that? As Tomassi writes in book 1, if he knew how to solve these problems/get good at game he would be rich.
I think the kind of digging I do above, is one way to improve frame and confidence. Because, Tomassi writes the mental point of origin is the import and priority that populates that frame. Hence, I think the vulnerable psychological babble as above is what needs to be done — we need to look at and address the mental point of origin to fix our frames, if that is a significant source to trouble.
I made women my goal, just like Tomassi. I wonder how people fix this. I’ve since long lived with a panicked scarcity mindset as mental point of origin. I can’t just “focus on my grind” — nothing happens then. I’ve no trouble accepting The Burden of Performance (Tomassi, book 2): I need to do something actively, the question is what, how and how much.
As with Tomassi I once had alpha traits first because it came naturally, it’s after “the dent” and attempt to “synthetically reconstruct” that things gets hard.
Have you had a similar situation or know how to approach this?