90%, maybe more, of all the material is absolute bull**** and/or mis-communicated and


Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
this is a post that I read on fastseduction by ragstorich. Im glad to see that people are relizeing this community of full of bs.

"By 90% of the materials I don't just mean David DeAnus (C&F - how many newbies has that bull**** held back for months/years?) and commercial ****, but also most of the crap on this forum - including some posts by valued posters, and myself of course.

Even if you cut out all the KJ crap, of which there is lots, you still have the problem of ineffective written communication - which at very best is still way more inaccurate than you actually need to be in this game.

One of the major problems comes when people treat this like a "dear Deadre" type magazine column. Like...

Guy: "I have this situation, what do I do?"

Other guys: "Do this, do this, follow these rules."

Most of the advice you get will be either irrelvent to your situation, irellevant to your personality, mis-interpreted because of a mis-communication, or just pure KJ-dom.

But luckily there is one thing that does work.

Talking to girls. Lots of them. Again and again. Calibrating, adjusting, trying new things, and always always aiming for a "new level" of escalation (ending in extraction - because from there it's easy right? I should ****ing hope so)."


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly. Take this place (and all girl tips you get) with a grain of salt and get good at game mostly through experience.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
ArMo said:
Guy: "I have this situation, what do I do?"

Other guys: "Do this, do this, follow these rules."

Most of the advice you get will be either irrelvent to your situation, irellevant to your personality, mis-interpreted because of a mis-communication, or just pure KJ-dom.

But luckily there is one thing that does work.

Talking to girls. Lots of them. Again and again. Calibrating, adjusting, trying new things, and always always aiming for a "new level" of escalation (ending in extraction - because from there it's easy right? I should ****ing hope so)."

Of course there is no silver bullet that's magically going to work if guys are having problem talking, attracting, having sex with women. This site just gives knowledge of what you should and shouldn't be doing.

Like anything in life, there is no easy answer, simple solution, easy way out. You have to work for it if you really want it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Fair to say it's true. A lot of guys on here would rather be butt pirates, rather than don juans and true alpha males.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Dj11 you do realize that it's the "advice" by people like you, that the OP is talking about?

that's what's ironic.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Dj11 you do realize that it's the "advice" by people like you, that the OP is talking about?

that's what's ironic.
One of the hugest problems on this board, I think, is people giving advice on something they know nothing about. Zero, zilch. I don't care how much you actually read about something, if you haven't gone out into the field and actually seen it, you don't know enough about the subject to actually give advice.

Then there are those guys who clearly don't reap what they sow. Like I remember this one member who used to come on here, FIRST DUDE TO FLAME MY FR'S, but he publicly made a thread saying he had problems freaking approaching. Hmm. Oh yeah I remember his name, HandyAndy. And good riddance to him.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Laguna Beach, CA
ElStud said:
One of the hugest problems on this board, I think, is people giving advice on something they know nothing about. Zero, zilch. I don't care how much you actually read about something, if you haven't gone out into the field and actually seen it, you don't know enough about the subject to actually give advice.

Then there are those guys who clearly don't reap what they sow. Like I remember this one member who used to come on here, FIRST DUDE TO FLAME MY FR'S, but he publicly made a thread saying he had problems freaking approaching. Hmm. Oh yeah I remember his name, HandyAndy. And good riddance to him.
I disagree with this to a certain extent. I don't think going out and talking to girls makes someone better at giving advice. I go out all the time, talk to and pick up a lot of girls, but I really don't know exactly what part of my "game" it is that's working so how can I come on here and tell people what they should do? Maybe I'm consciously doing things and it helps, but its the things that come naturally to me (smiling, eye contact, confidence and such) that are really pulling the girls even though I don't think twice about them. It's really hard to figure out sometimes what makes one successful. That being said I do try to help where I think I can...some people need so much help it's easy to push them in the right direction.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
ElStud said:
One of the hugest problems on this board, I think, is people giving advice on something they know nothing about. Zero, zilch. I don't care how much you actually read about something, if you haven't gone out into the field and actually seen it, you don't know enough about the subject to actually give advice.
YES! YES! YES!!!!!

Everyone wants to show how big their e-penis is when they haven't done jack sh!t in real life. There is NO substitute for experience and if you haven't gotten there, sit the fvck down and listen so that you can get there.

That's the difference between coachable and uncoachable players; you can get any better if you know it all, and EVERYONE can improve their game.

I think I might be starting to like sosuave again


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
One of the hugest problems on this board, I think, is people giving advice on something they know nothing about. Zero, zilch. I don't care how much you actually read about something, if you haven't gone out into the field and actually seen it, you don't know enough about the subject to actually give advice.

Then there are those guys who clearly don't reap what they sow. Like I remember this one member who used to come on here, FIRST DUDE TO FLAME MY FR'S, but he publicly made a thread saying he had problems freaking approaching. Hmm. Oh yeah I remember his name, HandyAndy. And good riddance to him.

I can't tell if this quote is more ironic or hypcritical.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
I think of it like playing guitar. If somebody tells you how to play guitar, can you just instantly pick up a guitar and start playing???

You have to practice til your balls turn blue.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
One of the hugest problems on this board, I think, is people giving advice on something they know nothing about. Zero, zilch. I don't care how much you actually read about something, if you haven't gone out into the field and actually seen it, you don't know enough about the subject to actually give advice.

Then there are those guys who clearly don't reap what they sow. Like I remember this one member who used to come on here, FIRST DUDE TO FLAME MY FR'S, but he publicly made a thread saying he had problems freaking approaching. Hmm. Oh yeah I remember his name, HandyAndy. And good riddance to him.
The fact that you take it so personally is pathetic. You approach...thats it. Thats youre game. You dont go on dates, kiss, fondle, have sex, or from emotional connections. All you do is approach. With that been said, i think you need to take from your own advice.