6 months ago...

DJ Axton

Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Ok about 6 months ago (never expected that did u?) I met this girl in my hairdressers. Tried with her, but went nowhere cuz she had a boyfriend. So I nexted her. We didn't speak again.

Then, today, she texts me out of the blue saying "How are you?" "What you been up to?" all that crap. So my question is, should I try again with her? And if so should I start my game again from the beginning or do a quick try lol?


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Not quite sure what you mean by a "quick try." However, it seems you really would like something to happen with this girl.
If she still has a boyfriend, she could just be talking to you because she is bored. Girls like to keep entertained and have a large amount of men around them to talk to, etc.
However, your post was not very well detailed. Would you like something to happen with this girl? Does she still have a boyfriend?
If you would like something to happen with this girl, I can give you some tips on how to go about doing this.

The more information you provide, the better I can answer your question(s) :)

DJ Axton

Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
I wasn't sure what I meant by that either. Just couldn't think of another way to describe it.

The thing is, that's about all I know too. I don't know if she still has a boyfriend, but yes I mean I would like something to happen I guess.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
See where u messed up wit it man is where you said "TRY"
You shouldnt try...If u got the ****y funny game down you can bust on her and flirt a little but dont put to much effort in it


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry for the late reply, been very busy recently! Anyway - back to your question(s).
For starters, if she texted you, I am guessing you both have each other's phone numbers, great! Now, you need to find out whether she still has that boyfriend or not, or she could possibly just be talking to you because she is bored, etc. (Reasons why women do this is listed in my post above.)

Once you find out whether she has a boyfriend or not. You can only get 2 answers, I will tell you what to do in each of the situations.

What to do if she says she does NOT have a boyfriend anymore:

If she doesn't have a boyfriend, ask her out! However, note when I say this, do not just go up to her and ask her out plainly. That's the dumbest thing I have heard.
If she already has attraction for you, you are merely half way there! You need to ensure you keep that attraction between the both of you, ask her out a few times, ensure the conversation stays smooth, use ****y humor on her, etc.
The dumbest thing you can do is say something such as, "Hey, I really really like you. Do you want to be my girlfriend."
Once you start going out with her, it will be ASSUMED that you and her are going out. Don't spill your feelings too soon as well, as it can EASILY turn off a girl; I know from personal experience.
Keep a mystery face on, let her confess her love for you, and take things from there. Remember, it's all about timing...

Quick note also, don't bring up the whole issue about her ex-boyfriend; the last thing you want is for her to see you as a shoulder to cry on. REMEMBER, after a relationship that lasted for a while, she might be just looking for a shoulder to cry on/friend; you do NOT want to put yourself in that position.

Also, one quick note. Do not ASK her to go out with you. The trick to getting a girl to go out with you is to not ASK her; you need to think like a salesman. G up to her and have a conversation such as:
You: Hey girl, you going to look good for me on Saturday?
Her: Saturday? What's Saturday? (All confused.)
You: When you're going to be going out with the most irresistible guy you know!
Her: *Laugh*
You: Great! Meet me at so and so at so and so
Her: Sounds good
You: Cya

Remember, keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Look up in this forum for first date tips, there are MANY things you need to do and I can't be bothered to post everything I know. Make sure you just don't come off as too needy when you ask her go out somewhere with you; and DON'T ask her where you want to go out. Remember, YOU want to be the man in the relationship, not her.

Girls will sometimes put up tests to see how confident you are, etc.
An example of what I mean to not come off as asking for approval is this:
She: Do you want to sit there?
You: No, let's sit there.
YOU need to put yourself in charge. If she asks to meet at the movies, say you would rather go bowling. (Just an example.)

Last tip I want to mention is the flaking test. Sometimes, a girl will say yes to go out with you somewhere, but they will cancel a day before the actual "date" was suppose to happen - that's called flaking. SO, many guys have wondered how to prevent this. It's simple. Right after you ask her out, ask a simple question, "Do you ever flake out on people?"
Most often a girl will say, "No." It's common sense! If she doesn't know what flaking is, let her know about the term. (I've had it happen 2 or 3 times before.)
Once she replies "no", tell her EXACTLY this: "Good! Because if it's one thing I don't like, it is flaky people. There are too many flaky people in the world these days!" Than switch the topic.
Once you say this to her, she will know that it is NOT okay to flake on you, and you will eliminate flakiness!
However, if she does end up flaking on you after you say this to her. Say this: "I thought you were different from all those other girls/women I knew.. guess I was wrong. If you were going to flake out on me, you could have at least told me earlier so I could have made plans with other friends." She needs to know that it's not okay to waste your time and that your time is precious.

Now that I covered what to do if she says she does NOT have a boyfriend, I will let you in on a technique I use when a girl says she DOES have a boyfriend:
If you see a woman who you were interested in the past but for whatever reason you didn't get in her knickers, if you happen to come across her again and would still like to "deflower" her here is a tip. In the middle of the small talk stare at her like you are in a trance when she comments and says something like "What's wrong with you" say "I can see why you USED to be the woman in wanted to sleep with more than any other but YOU had YOUR chance and that window of opportunity is closed for YOU now". THEN SNAP OUT OF THE TRANCE IMMEDIATELY. Like all children who are told they cant have something they will try to get it. The key to this working is you have to be very matter of fact about it and really make her believe that she just missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime and you are going to give this to another woman now.

Honestly, I wouldn't interfere with somebody else's girl, just don't spend too much attention on her if she has a boyfriend, and move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and the best thing about women is that there is ALWAYS somebody better.

Good luck with your success with this girl. This was a rather long post, I hope I helped you out.