5'5 with brown eye's and an empty house.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
It's been a while since I have had a girl honestly show interest in me but it's happened again, a few months ago during Christmas break I came home and went to a party with a friend of mine well the girl that is throwing the party just happened to be a friend of mine at that times girl friend of two years, we all went to high school together and I went away to school while she and my friend stayed at home , well ..... we got to talking and apparently her boyfriend at the time was not invited to her party , from the vibe she was given me I could tell it was destined to fail soon, so all went well and we ended up drinking that night and sharing a bed ...no sex but what ever ... I could tell she was trying ...me not wanting to feel the wrath of my good friend didn't fall for her ...

Fast forward a few months and now they are broken up and I am back in town ... I have hung out with her a few times and a few weeks back I got her number and she got mine and out of the blue one night she calls me and we start talking and then I invite her out on my buddy speed boat that weekend ...it went awesome , she had a great time and the next day she calls me up and wants to come hang with my on July 4rth so again we hang out and she has a great time and now I ask her out this weekend , Friday night we are going to a concert and back to her house for drinks and whatever else and then Saturday my parents are leaving for the weekend so I invited her to my house to have a small house party ....well it turns out everyone I know will be gone that weekend except her and me ....so an empty house and I already bought the alcohol and we both don't have to work the next morning

so my question is what's my move ...is it a sleazy move to ask for her to spend the night to watch "movies" or something? or finish a 12 pack together?
I kind of want some romance but not sure how to play this.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Your friends did you a huge favor. Make sure she's coming, don't make it sound like anything's changed, maybe only casually mention that you're unsure if anybody else will show up. When she gets there bust out a movie and the 12 pack and tell her "...but I'm not letting a 12 pack and an empty house go to waste"

Sit right next to her on the couch, and progress it from there.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
talk to her

Sounds like a good plan for you....talk to her...let her know it's going to be just the two of you...obviously she likes you, you've spent enough time together...i don't think she will have a problem...who knows you might get lucky if you haven't already!