50 Approach Challenge!!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score

This is my idea I got from Aftershock's '1000 Approaches In 2006', the idea of it is to start on January 1st.

Not knocking it, its a great idea!

But there's no time like the present. And city centres/shopping malls are absolute goldmines at this time of year.

So starting tomorrow, the goal is 50 approaches by the end of December.

For an approach to count, following rules apply:

1. It must be your 1st meeting with the girl
2. She must be fvckable, by whatever standards you have
3. You must either make a move on her or attempt to number close (ie. short convo, then walking off doesn't count)
4. You must be completely sober!

So yeh, I'm starting tomorrow. First FR should be up tomorrow night or Thursday.

Who else is game?


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I am game. I haven't been keeping track of approaches but realize it would be beneficial. Off to the mall tonight....then home for a new episode of Nip/Tuck. Life is good.



Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by GodsGiftToFatBirds
So starting tomorrow, the goal is 50 approaches by the end of December.
But honestly, why would you waste your time approaching a girl who is average or just above average? The number of approaches you make should be irrelevant. Keep your standards high and don't waste your time with the rest.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
But honestly, why would you waste your time approaching a girl who is average or just above average? The number of approaches you make should be irrelevant. Keep your standards high and don't waste your time with the rest.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're saying.
But having a number of approaches to go for is simply to stay motivated - its easy to slack if you don't have a specific target in mind.

And my standards are pretty high, don't be fooled by my username :D

I'm off out in a bit, i'll post the first FR later.

Fan27, good to have you in it too, i'l be looking out for your progress.

Who else is up for this? - it'd be great to have 4 or 5 of us all getting the FR's up


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Haha, well ok, hardly anyone seems that interested but wtf, i'm going to do it for myself anyway.


I went into Chester today, needed to get some shopping done anyway but i didn't intend to go home without having had a crack at a few birds first.

I don't mind admitting though that I'm really fvcking rusty at cold approaches, and although there was a fair few HBs about, I found it pretty tough. I procrastinated and hesitated far more than I'd have liked, and spent half the time shopping anyway, but I did make 2 approaches.

First one was on a shop assistant in one of those girly shops, think it was Faith, I noticed her looking bored with her radio near the entrance as I passed, she was hot, HB9. I went in, was like 'hey', she turned and smiled, i was like 'i've got absolutely no intention of buying anything from this shop but I noticed you as I passed and I wanted to find out if you were a single lady or a taken lady?'
She was like 'oh no sorry, I'm taken'
Haha, I wasn't expecting to get anywhere much with that one, I just did it to push myself out my comfort zone and get the first tally under my belt.

Second one worked out much better, I saw an Asian HB7 walking ahead of me in the mall, when she stopped to look at some postcards on a stand, I approached, was just like 'anything take your fancy?', she replied quite enthusiastically, so was able to build the convo from there, we ended up having a real god convo for literally about half an hour, she had a real good personality, I number closed her at the end. Gonna call her as well, she made a bet with me that I wouldn't be able to remember her name (Zeeshana), just gonna call her up, repeat her name and claim the quid we shook on :D .

More soon, I reckon i can improve quite a bit on today's efforts, I've been inspired by this story I read in 'The Layguide' (bought it the other day) about an average looking guy who managed to fvck a SHB after he stopped in the street and told her she looked hot in her suit (p29 for anyone who's got it), I wanna try a few like that.

I also made quite a few other approaches today that I'm not counting because I didn't close them e.g. girls I started convos with in shops but got no real IOIs, or it was just a short convo and it would have felt weird to close.

Days 1
Approaches 2
Numbers 1

Red Ran Amber

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'm interested.

Sounds like you're off to a good start. :up:

Personally I don't like asking if they're single immediately, but it's your call.