5/10s woman's life


Apr 9, 2011
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Wake up to 23 text messages waiting to be answered on your phone. Check your email/facebook/twitter and have 295 likes on that new selfie you took of yourself. You want more attention though, so you shower up, put some clothes on, put on the makeup, and snap a quick selfie of yourself that you quickly upload to facebook. Maybe this one will get you even more likes.

Get on the bus, and several men stand up to give you their seat. Meanwhile your phone is rattling with text messages of several white knights, two alpha studs, and your best friend who wants to go shopping. You get hit on by a nice guy on the bus who is slightly above average looking, but not good enough so you friendzone him before he asks for your number. Get off the bus, head to class, where the professor gives a lecture on how women have it so difficult in America and how there is still male privilege out there. You grit your teeth at how unfair women have it. Men are pigs!

You check your facebook and you have 113 likes for your selfie (don't worry, it's still midday). You accidentally trip on your way to work and 29 men and several women come over to help you and ask you if you are ok and if they could help you walk to your destination. You refuse, and check on your cell phone. Sally is *****ing about Maggie, and although you hate them both, they are your best friends and you love it when they talk **** about each other to you, cause you love the drama.

After walking past a parade of men at work who tell you how amazing and pretty you are, you meet up with Travis for a quickie. He's a drug dealer, but he has a motorcycle and plays drums in a band. Who cares if he still lives with his parents and he's 27? He's hot.

After that, you meet up with your girlfriends to go clubbing. You are hit on by an uncountable amount of men, and after using several of them for free drinks, you ditch them and start dancing with your girlfriends. Several more average looking guys try to dance with you. Even a manlet tries to dance, and you laugh him off. Finally, you run into two hot guys and they start grinding up against you and your girlfriend. You leave the dance floor and go make out with one of them for awhile. Your fat girlfriend comes over to **** block you (after all, the night is still young) and you leave him to go find other hotter studs.

You notice in the bathroom that you've gained some weight. Who cares though, you're an indepdent woman, and men should learn to love women with curves. You gossip and take some more selfies with your girlfriends in the bathroom, then you head back out to the dance floor.

As you dance some more, some fat of yours rubs up on another woman from another group, and she gets pissed. You throw your drink on her, and thousands of white knights come to aid both sides. The bouncer would kick you out, but you are unaccountable for your actions, since, after all, you are a woman.

A guy that looks like Brad Pitt comes over to talk to you. Sure, he's alright, but he's probably only 5'10 and not that cute. You make out with a few men, until you find a guy that looks like Thor who you bring home. You ditch your friends and get ****ed by alpha ****."

In the morning you wake up to 38 text messages...and your selfie you uploaded yesterday had 374 likes! Today is going to be a good day!


Apr 9, 2011
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5/10 male:

]Wake up to 2 text messages one from your mum one from your phone provider. Check your email/facebook/twitter of your oneitis and she has a few dozen guys whiteknighting her. You want some more attention from her so you shower up, put some clothes on, take some creatine and a protein shake and hit the gym hard. Maybe if I get shredded enough she will like me and then we can be together, you think to yourself to keep going as your chest burns on the third set of bench press.

Get on the bus back from the gym and your feeling confident thanks to your new pump. Meanwhile your oneitis is getting railed by Tyrone, and your forced to give up your seat for a 2/10 girl who thinks she's above you. You send a snapchat to your oneitis hoping she will notice your 15lbs of lean gains, truth is she couldn't care less you will always be scum to her no matter how much muscle or how low a bodyfat you get. Get off the bus, head to class, where the professor gives a lecture on how women have it so difficult in America and how there is still male privilege out there. Your forced to join the sloots and white knights in their chants of #yesallwomen.

You check your snapchat and your oneitis has not replied, don't worry it's only midday. You accidentally trip on your way to work and 29 women and several men all laugh at you despite being non lifting phaggots, I'll show them, you think to yourself.

After walking past a parade of women at work who look at you like inferior scum despite not one of them being more than a 6/10 themselves, you see a reply from your oneitis. She says that's cool, cod e for Phuck off I'm about tomeet up with Travis for a quickie. He's a drug dealer, but he has a motorcycle and plays drums in a band. Who cares if he still lives with his parents and he's 27? He's hot.

After that, you meet up with your friend to go clubbing. You hit on uncountable amount of women, and after buying several of them for free drinks, you get ditched and go home. You open up your oneitis Instagram and see her selfie with 297 likes, you fap to its a jizz, but then cry to yourself that she will never be yours and despite the fact she's on your mind 24/7 she never ever even contemplates your existence.

You notice in the bathroom that you've gained some weight. The lean gains are coming along nicely but the girls don't seem to care. You log onto bodybuilding.com and make some threads on the misc atleast they will understand what your going through. Finally you sleep and dream of the happy life you and your oneitis would live together.

You wake up the next morning to no new text messages but at least you have some killer DOMs in your chest.
One day she'll be mine, one day...........


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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The brutal truth all guys need to hear.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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Funny stuff :up: Exagerrated but still a lot of truth to it


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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+1. This shít is hilarious fam.

Perfect vivid picture painted into the lifes of a beta AFC and a... Well typical American women. This is gold.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
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Miami, Florida
Talking from experience buddy?:flowers: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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You should finish the story ten years later.

Guy...successful, picking a vacation on his terms, driving a nice car, living life on his own terms.

Girl...planning to take kid to see dad in jail. Broke down car. Crappy apartment, no money no future.

I have no plans to give up, and most Women have no plans.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Albatross953 said:
You should finish the story ten years later.

Guy...successful, picking a vacation on his terms, driving a nice car, living life on his own terms.

Girl...planning to take kid to see dad in jail. Broke down car. Crappy apartment, no money no future.

I have no plans to give up, and most Women have no plans.
Wishful thinking right here.

Why do so many men on this site get so emotionally and mentally tied up with women who dont want them? Dont waste time thinking about this crap. And most of all, its pathetic to sit around hoping some chick gets her comeuppance because she didnt wanna date you.

If a girl you actually dated for some time screwed you over, then ok, I can understand feeling spite for her and hoping her life sucks. But so many guys get fixated on hoping bad things will happen to some chick that never dated nor wanted them. In either case though, your thoughts and emotions are better spent on other things.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2014
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Old Europe
That was a fun read, I liked the hyperbole. Note how the guy did not discover SS. Thus, no NC, no self-improvement, no fück-you-all attitude, no game and a chronically progressive case of oneitis.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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Jaylan said:
Wishful thinking right here.

Why do so many men on this site get so emotionally and mentally tied up with women who dont want them? Dont waste time thinking about this crap. And most of all, its pathetic to sit around hoping some chick gets her comeuppance because she didnt wanna date you.

If a girl you actually dated for some time screwed you over, then ok, I can understand feeling spite for her and hoping her life sucks. But so many guys get fixated on hoping bad things will happen to some chick that never dated nor wanted them. In either case though, your thoughts and emotions are better spent on other things.
Jaylan, you missed my point entirely. The guy in my fictional ten years later has moved on. And he's not concerned with women who don't want him.

It's not about comeuppance at all. I just had to draw both sides of the coin like the original post. I'm just illustrating the logical outcomes. And showing the guy is on the right path.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
latino158 said:
5/10 male:
]Wake up to 2 text messages one from your mum one from your phone provider.
That's hilarious.
Funny post. Just being able to understand the differences gives you an advantage many guys won't have.