43 Year Man Vs 41 Yr Woman


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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I’m a 43 year old man. She is 41 now. We both are hot in many terms and we work in the same office. I know her since 2006 in this office but we started interacting only since 2010 December. Ever since, we are flirting with each other. I’m reading so suave since last four years. I do many things right after reading up lots of people like Swingcat and DeAngelo. I’m socially adept, drive a hot car, a very snappy dresser, up-to-date with fashion, won humorous speech contests, and a really positive thinking person who’s always improving in life on a consistent basis. I’m a role model for health and fitness. I look like an under 30 stud with an excellent fit body. She is very hot and gets lot of attention from men. I’ve never given my power away and unable to control this lady told me the following things over a period of 18 months – She: 1. I think you will be the next person important to me after my husband and only son. 2. We can’t get married is it? (a passing reference). 3. At an outing I asked her to take time for us and she said, ‘when we have come in a team, we should be in the team, what will others think’. 4. I asked her out for lunch she said OK. I said put half day leave so we can go for bowling. She said I will come for lunch but going to bowling will be like going with a working partner. I asked what is working partner. She said it’s like having a husband in the office. 4. Once I was talking to her and told there is no glass ceiling between us. Later, she told me you should break the glass. 5. Once she came to my closed office and said I came here with my heart. 5. When a team of ours was going out, she filled up the form for the event with my age as 38. Next day she asked my age. I said how much you put, she said 38. I told her to put the same for train tickets being booked by her husband, there she put my age as 46 (even till date she doesn’t know my age). 6. I told her destiny brought us together then she told me no this company brought us together. 7. In her closed office, I tried to touch her toe with my toe, then she said we are adult friends so don’t do all these teenage romance type things. 8. Once we were having a coffee at a coffee shop. I told her it would have been nice had we met a long time back. Then she told you’d have had stiff competition from my husband. Then I said he wouldn’t have existed. 9. Once when I went to her office she asked me to sit. I said work is imp, so go ahead. She said time with you is more important to me than work. I can login from home. 10. Once she told me I was one of the top 5 friends in her life. 11. Once I asked her to come to cafeteria for coffee and she said why I want to be in the limelight (obviously referring to keep our stuff secret). 12 Once I told her I had a dream about her in a forest and she fell in mud and I took her to the bore and then poured water on her and then she said I’m getting dreams like in the movie of one of our old local superstar.

We both tied up to do some business and she introduced me to her husband also. She didn’t look happy and her husband was fat and he doesn’t work. Once she said sometimes some things happen due to karma but we can’t change them (in an obvious reference to her marital life). She told she had informed her in-laws also about the business stuff with me. However, in a month’s time she enrolled into a distance MBA program and got busy. She spent a week in the campus and came back and told me someone told ‘I love you’ to her and started describing her eyes, lips and stuff like this. It seems she told that guy to stop describing and then she offered to be friends with him. Because of her MBA, she got busy with a group of people. One of the persons in this group is a leading rich educationist. He is pampering her with gifts I believe, but not sure. While all of this was happening, one of my friends who’s good with women told me to take her out and make her uncomfortable. I took her in my car and while driving I put my hand on her hips, a bit much above the knee. She asked me to put it on my steering but she did not attempt to remove it. I removed it in 10 seconds and then I put my hand again. She said she did not like and asked me to remove. I removed after a minute now. While going in my car, she was a bit serious but was still talking to me and asking me about my love affairs in college. I said I had none and it’s true because only sosuave taught me how to be successful with women. Then we went to the coffee shop where I brought up sex topics, told her I’m trained in making love to women. I then asked why she did not want to come to bowling with me and then she said she doesn’t enjoy that with me. In the car to drop her back home, I gave her a gift-wrapped mirror and told her there’s a small frame in this with the most beautiful woman whom I respect a lot. Open it and see it in the eyes, you should become like that. Then she said why I must become like that and said it sounds like a fantasy. I told her to call me after she opens. She called me a while later and told she saw a mirror and that she did not feel anything and told me that she did not appreciate what happened in the car.

Next morning we met in a marriage of office colleague, there she talked to me nicely and called me names. A couple of days later she became cold in the office. And we did not meet for two months. In the meanwhile, during two months when we did not meet a couple of incidents happened. I bought a fancy car that turns heads. She got to know from someone and sent me a message that she is happy for me. I wrote an email that was humorous and she sent a mail to everyone in the alias telling how much she liked it. We bumped accidentally into each other and she started telling me her personal issues and how her MBA is going on. After two months, I went to her office. She recalled the incident and reminded me what I did. She questioned me asking when she gave ‘those’ kind of sexual signals. I said there’s no point in discussing this. Then she said I have decided to be only professional with you. The same day I had to go to her office to return something and she was giving a naughty smile to me. She is mentoring me on some issue and I’m mentoring her on some stuff. This is a personal exchange program between both of us. That day I cancelled my personal mentoring to her forever and she asked me if I’d like to be mentored by her in future. Then I said let’s see. She wasn’t comfortable with this answer and then said I don’t understand what you mean by let’s see. We parted ways on that day. And whenever we met in the meetings, she would comment on me, tease me and ask her why I’m so busy. Once I called her to discuss something and then she said you guys are always busy, see I’m always available. I’m now reading the newspaper in the office. Whenever I go, she would turn towards me and talks to me flirtatiously and the conversation goes on for 1-2 hours at times. Very often she will remark, when we get together, the time flies. If we sit, we wouldn’t know when we will wrap up. Since last one month I have started going to her office. She asks me to sit and we chat for a long time. She is sharing some personal information with me about her son and his tennis progress and other stuff. Many times I also noticed she was jealous when I was talking to other girls. Many more things happened. Once I overheard a minor conversation with a guy and I got to know that she is already cheating on her husband. Then I assumed it would be easy to tap into her as she is already cheating. One more time she went to a family doctor and I asked details twice. She got frustrated and said why are you probing. I screamed am I probing, then she corrected it no, you are not. And advised me that one should not be picky at times. I said I’m not picky but I was just trying to offer you services of a better doctor. After this I got a doubt that her doctor has screwed her big time. May be she was speaking to the doctor himself on the phone earlier or there could be another person in her life or both of them. But I’m sure, she is cheating. She displays her husband’s photo on her mobile all the time and keeps saying he’s a good fella.

Imp: I started calling her names like sweety, sweetheart, darling and many more since Oct 2011 and after a couple of months she told me when I’m stopping. I stopped for a week and continued. She was okay. After we met again in 2011 July-Aug time, I started calling her names again. She was okay for a long time and two days before she told me to not call these names. I have just taken it at face value and still going to her. It appears she is flirting with me. She enjoys attention. When I asked her a party 10 days back, she said she will take me out not because she wants to celebrate the success but she said she can take me if I felt like eating out or something like that.

I would really be grateful if you can offer me what to do, but request you to please help me bail out of this as I’m in love with her.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
You are her "office husband"...she gets attention from you with no intention of having sex. I have an attention wh0re who works for me. She's never cheated on her husband,never will. BUT she has a way of "accidentally" rubbing her boobs[usually] or butt against me[we work in close quarters] if I don't pay her enough attention.

Find another woman to love. She's ALREADY told you you rank below her husband. She cuts off any attempts of yours to escalate, doesn't want you to call her "pet names" Does she need to get out the crayons and draw you a picture?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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you dont put your pen into your companys ink.

and yes she has you wrapped around her little finger and has no need for anything more than she already has. you are in deep shyt when you pursue this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I honestly stopped reading at "...and we work in the same office." Because I knew all the rest was bullshyt. I bet that's the whole problem. I bet if this chic didn't work with you, you wouldn't be writing a booklet. I'm going to back and read it to see if I'm right.

*edit*. yup I was right. If you're a real person (only 2 post, but your english implies english as a second language) I will give you this advice. Leave this woman alone and go find one who doesn't work with you and isn't married. Stop being lazy. You are going to get yourself in trouble.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Many Thanks

Guys many thanks to all of you for posting your replies. I get the message. Being a man trained by sosuave, I can easily bail myself out and would teach this ***** a good lesson :cheer:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

But I read enough to know that you're being strung along and you don't need to sh*t where you eat. You know that your princess is in another castle, yet you're still looking in World 1-4! Give this up.

You are guilty of pursuing a married woman, chasing the carrot, dipping the pen in company ink, putting out your heart, feeding an attention wh0re, and traveling down a dead end road. The fine for this is a crushed heart, 2 blue balls, constant fantasizing, 1 bruised shaft, and a trip to Friendsville, Florida.

Pursuing another woman and going ghost on this one is the best thing that is for you. Judge nismo's orders.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Doctors and lawyers have a lot in common. They tend to be academically brilliant and socially/emotionally retarded. The academic term is "emotional intelligence"

You should follow the posts of the sosuave user 'bradd80' - he's an attorney. His field reports might be of help to you:

I know a lot of doctors. Most of them are dorky and have no game at all (they are great people and great docs, tho). Your level of required skill to get hot women should be very low. It doesn't take much game if you are a doctor or a lawyer, which is good because most of them don't have any. :D

If you realized your potential, then you wouldn't waste time on middle-aged office hos, especially one who has rejected you already.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
yea i'm sorry but i didnt read that wall of text either but judging from the comments and the fact you're 43 years old, you should not be having a problem like this
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