In response to d'Anconia's post...I think he wants to be a DJ, at least he says he sees the need to improve upon his situation with women. But regardless, let's consider this......if you are on the road to becoming a DJ, then you'll be approaching, meeting, and courting many women in the whole learning process. Granted there are some awesome women out there who are virgins for whatever reason, the majority will be rather sexually aware. From here I will refer to what I think is the majority of sexually aware women. In order to be successful with them, don't you have to introduce some sort of sexual tension? I mean maybe not full blown sex, but hey as men aren't we perceived to be the ones that are supposed to initiate any sort of intimate overture? Example, I was dancing with this cute girl last night. when we were close it seemed like she was trying to kiss me, but a bit of my AFCness prevented me from engaging her sexually and closing the deal. My point is that maybe perceiving that sex is a sacred matrimonial act (although not wrong in itself) will tend to hinder you from taking the lead and inroducing sexual tension, hence not attracting the girl? I know that when I thought this way, I also tended to view women as special people that I had to cater to and act AFCish towards. Just a thought.