3 traps...read this!


Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
found an interesting article that all of you should read who are into this bull**** community and all this bull**** pua theory.

"As we study pickup and embark on the daunting journey to improve
our dating, it is very easy to forget the simple actions
that matter most...

You see, we practice dozens of techniques, many of which are quite

We read books, watch dvd's, and try to comprehend the beast known
as social dynamics...

We study psychology and attempt to master the subtleties of human

This is all fine and dandy, but there is a hidden trap that many of
us fall into, and it has three deadly side effects:

1. We become too analytical and begin to get stuck in our heads

2. We spend more time reading about pickup than PRACTICING pickup

3. We forget about the simple actions that ultimately have the
greatest impact on your success with women

And it is this third point that I want to elaborate on.

For example, many of us practice different ways of opening a group
of girls...

But how many of us practice the way we walk up to that group?

Or practice merely saying hello, but in a way that captivates and

Or practice the quality of the eye contact we are making?

Or practice REALLY listening to what she may be saying?

As pickup artists many of you are experiencing information overload.
You'll have to use your own best judgment as to what
information actually has value, and what information is bull****.
(And believe me, there is a lot of bull**** out there...)

Just remember that as you absorb new information and incorporate it
into your game that you don't forget to pay attention to the way
you perform simple actions, like the ones mentioned above...

If you master those, you won't need to read any more ebooks..."

the point of the article: STOP watching bull**** videos on pu, stop reading bs, get out of your head! and go out to talk to women.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
I agree with this. Many things on this forum, though sometimes true, can be very misleading and un-teach the basics of human interation.
I read articles mostly for confidence and new ideas. Everything in the DJ Bible is very thoughtful and I like to find out other peoples takes on this art. It reveals more insights on how to think and provides motivation and new paths to follow.

I would not waste my time reading a whole book or downloading huge audio archives while I could be talking to real people about what they think of seduction and how they take things into their own hands.

I think it's more about changing yourself than replacing yourself.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
The most imporant thing is eye contact. If you have good eye contact you can tell her everything she wants to hear by just looking into her eyes.

I almost made out a couple of times by just eye contact :)