I have a 2nd date this Sunday w/ a hot woman. By hot I mean she is a bikini model.
Yeah..that hot.
First date went GREAT ( thanks to this site, among other things, I would I also like to thank mike p at highstatusmale..pure gold )
ANYWAY...Convo went good..little kino..I went for kiss..didn't ask..didn't hesitate..just did it..
She LOVED it. Called me..wants to see me..wants to go out...Amazing..
So..anyway..2nd date..I'm pretty pumped..
BUT..it's gonna be hot & I'm gonna wear shorts..
Now..I have these Timberland docksider shoes that I normally wear around town w/out socks. My feet are sweaty and stink, but what the hell, I'm by myself around town.
These are the only shoes I have that can be worn w/ say, Izod shorts....so..my question is this: With a woman..I am going to need to wear socks. But..with shorts?
What kind of shoes GO w/ shorts? What kind of shoes & socks GO w/ shorts? I have no clue?
Yeah..that hot.
First date went GREAT ( thanks to this site, among other things, I would I also like to thank mike p at highstatusmale..pure gold )
ANYWAY...Convo went good..little kino..I went for kiss..didn't ask..didn't hesitate..just did it..
She LOVED it. Called me..wants to see me..wants to go out...Amazing..
So..anyway..2nd date..I'm pretty pumped..
BUT..it's gonna be hot & I'm gonna wear shorts..
Now..I have these Timberland docksider shoes that I normally wear around town w/out socks. My feet are sweaty and stink, but what the hell, I'm by myself around town.
These are the only shoes I have that can be worn w/ say, Izod shorts....so..my question is this: With a woman..I am going to need to wear socks. But..with shorts?
What kind of shoes GO w/ shorts? What kind of shoes & socks GO w/ shorts? I have no clue?