Master Don Juan
So probably about 5 years ago I picked up this attractive girl who cut my hair at a salon. I ended up meeting her for drinks fairly early during the day, we then sat next to each other outside while she talked.
Me: Hey can I tell you something random (smiling)
Her: Sure what's that?
Me: I want to kiss you
Her: (nervous) wow that definitely is random
She then looked away
About 10 seconds later I go in and just start kissing her
She let me but doesn't really kiss back.
Anyway I end up walking her to her car on the way back and find an excuse to get inside of it with her. I then start kissing her again, she lets me... I start feeling her up, she lets me.. actually starts kissing me back a little with her tongue. I think maybe she just isn't that great a kisser but whatever. I then end up stopping and let her go home.
I text her like the next day or something... she responds but I couldn't make plans to see her again soon and her interest in me faded quickly. (I have a theory about this which I'll post when I wrote my field report of all the girls I've dated) - I think I might have ended up insulting her or saying something AFC like wow you let me hook up with you like that and you are being flaky or some bs.. Again this is 5 years ago my memory is faded
Anyway she ends up getting into a relationship that lasted for years.. I saw she recently wasn't with this guy anymore (thanks to Facebook) so I randomly texted her.. She didn't remember me so I reminded her where we met and she seemed to remember.. I then called her later that night, she answered and we had a nice conversation... She then has been texting me everyday and has been hinting at meeting up.
So 2 questions here really.... One if I decide to meet up with her again what should I do different? I am thinking I won't do that gay AFC announce the kiss crap but maybe drink with her more, try to get her back to her car or my place (we live very far from each other that's the problem) and go for it.
But 2nd and most important.. should I even bother? I'm with someone I'm happy with and I'd hate to pick up some STD (paranoid about all this) and ruin what I have. Granted if this doesn't happen it could be worth it.. just to see if I can correct my mistakes from the first interaction.
However she wanted to hang out with me today and I had to make up some excuse because I am with my girl... So I know if I don't act quick I'll probably lose my opportunity anyway.
Me: Hey can I tell you something random (smiling)
Her: Sure what's that?
Me: I want to kiss you
Her: (nervous) wow that definitely is random
She then looked away
About 10 seconds later I go in and just start kissing her
She let me but doesn't really kiss back.
Anyway I end up walking her to her car on the way back and find an excuse to get inside of it with her. I then start kissing her again, she lets me... I start feeling her up, she lets me.. actually starts kissing me back a little with her tongue. I think maybe she just isn't that great a kisser but whatever. I then end up stopping and let her go home.
I text her like the next day or something... she responds but I couldn't make plans to see her again soon and her interest in me faded quickly. (I have a theory about this which I'll post when I wrote my field report of all the girls I've dated) - I think I might have ended up insulting her or saying something AFC like wow you let me hook up with you like that and you are being flaky or some bs.. Again this is 5 years ago my memory is faded
Anyway she ends up getting into a relationship that lasted for years.. I saw she recently wasn't with this guy anymore (thanks to Facebook) so I randomly texted her.. She didn't remember me so I reminded her where we met and she seemed to remember.. I then called her later that night, she answered and we had a nice conversation... She then has been texting me everyday and has been hinting at meeting up.
So 2 questions here really.... One if I decide to meet up with her again what should I do different? I am thinking I won't do that gay AFC announce the kiss crap but maybe drink with her more, try to get her back to her car or my place (we live very far from each other that's the problem) and go for it.
But 2nd and most important.. should I even bother? I'm with someone I'm happy with and I'd hate to pick up some STD (paranoid about all this) and ruin what I have. Granted if this doesn't happen it could be worth it.. just to see if I can correct my mistakes from the first interaction.
However she wanted to hang out with me today and I had to make up some excuse because I am with my girl... So I know if I don't act quick I'll probably lose my opportunity anyway.