21 yr old virgin


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score

I was just wondering if anyone else is in my situation here, im 21 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I have never even asked a girl out, ive hardly ever shown any interest towards any girl that i really liked.

Also, I have noticed that i seem to start to fancy girls that i get the feeling that they like me first, then i sort of obscess over them for a while, think about them every day n stuff and never make a move because i am so goddam shy, then i beat myself up over it.

I am quite an angry person and regually feel depressed. I really feel like if i could get laid my life would turn around, but at the same time i feel like im not getting laid because the first time needs to be with someone i actually like (not a random slut).

Im also worried that i have a small ****.

I have made out with random sluts, most of them quite ugly.

Any one else in or has been in my situation?

Whats the best way to deal with this?

sorry if i seem like im just moaning but my despondency it getting to me, i need some inspiration. I keep these thoughts inside constantly, i never tell people this stuff. The idea of having sex is so alien to me sometimes i wonder if people actually do have sex! I think i need to retrain my brain.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds like you just need a change of perspective. Just have a different outlook on woman, and life in general. Sounds like something that can be accomplished by simply losing that dreaded V.

The mind is a very powerful thing, fool your mind into different thought patterns in different situations involving woman and soon enough you wont need to 'fool' your mind anymore, it will come naturally and your actions will follow suit. There are many more knowledgable, experienced people on here than me but thats my take for what its worth


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
don't sweat it, dude

I lost mine at 24. Biggest anti-climax of my life. Literally.


Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
dont rush losing ur virginity at all

you could go out and hav a one night stand with the next slapper you meet

or you could wait until i meet sumone special you really like and get it on for months...

or you could alternitivly take 50 bucks down ur local masuse......

any ways good...

also never hide the fact ur a V, coz most girls will like this... takin sum1s V is a very special thing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by note.the.smoke
also never hide the fact ur a V, coz most girls will like this... takin sum1s V is a very special thing.

Ya they will like it in "awww that's so cute" sort of way, BUT MANY WILL CHANGE THEIR MIND ABOUT SLEEPING WITH YOU ONCE THEY FIND OUT.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
The DJ bootcamp MAY be the way to go. It depends.

The greatest leap you can make in your life, and with women, is to break out of your shell 110%. That means having complete and total lack of insecurity in starting a conversation with any new person or getting involved in a new/spontanious activity at any given time.

I did a bootcamp of sorts back in college...I started by making eyecontact, then approaching, then talking with people/girls. That brings you to a bunch of conclusions.

1. Extended eye contact with men of strength will incite a fight
2. Extended eye contact with insecure people will cause them to look away, or away and back and away again really quickly.
3. Extended eye contact with a nice girl that is confident will cause her to smile (bingo!)
4. If you hold eye contact with a girl and she gives you a defiant look she's usually crazy and/or a *****.
5. If you hold eye contact with a girl and she stares at you blankly but doesn't look away she wouldn't mind talking to you and is only a little less crazy and/or a ***** than number

1 and 2 are learned just through looking at people and analyzing their reactions, 3-5 is learned just through making eye contact and walking up to say hi.

Think of all the confidence figuring something like that out on your own would give you. Look at girl > girl smiles > means come talk to me you sexy hunk of meat...

You now have a frame of reference to go talk to girls.

But you know what’s funny? INTERNALLY you KNEW 1-5 ALREADY. You said it in your post! Based on how certain girls made you feel when you looked at them and they looked at you!

You don’t need to go through this process of “Ok, learn eye contact, Ok learn to say hi, Ok learn to walk up and talk”

You just have to break out of your shell and have a 110% lack of insecurity. Everything will come naturally as long as you listen to your gut and…as long as it’s not telling you to be a girly man… be honest with the feelings girls inspire in you when you look at them.

It’s all 100% natural. You simply have to get over you fear and destroy this barriers of shyness. Bootcamp will help you do that, but taking hold of your life and doing something social that you have ALWAYS WANTED to do will help even more.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Originally posted by note.the.smoke
dont rush losing ur virginity at all

you could go out and hav a one night stand with the next slapper you meet

or you could wait until i meet sumone special you really like and get it on for months...

or you could alternitivly take 50 bucks down ur local masuse......

any ways good...

also never hide the fact ur a V, coz most girls will like this... takin sum1s V is a very special thing.
Uh Yeah, it's about a special as donating to the Jimmy fund. You pretend like you care a little up front but almost no one will take the initiative to _really_ fix the problem.

Or maybe the "support our troops" sticker club. 99% of people will wave a flag ad 1% will pickup a gun to get the job done.

This advice will allow you to justify your hole and not climb out of it. Work on improving yourself and learn how to talk to women, get them turned on, and want to have sex with you. (it's not that hard) waiting around for someone special is like waiting to win the lottery when you could be out there making 60k a year.

You said you want to fvck someone you care about and you're going to have to put a little work in to attract a girl like that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah you def. need to lie about it now. Never tell the girl you are with that you are a virgin. She def. will not think its cute and will run for the hills.

My advice for you is, losing your V card is great, sex is awesome but gets boring after awhile. So dont get your hopes up to much.

You are afraid of having a small d*ck, im sure its not that small and its only in your head. I think this is the reason why you still have your V card. You are embarassed by your size. Dude, dont worry about it, you have no control over that situtation, you have what you have.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
88% of guys are between 5.5 and 7.0 inches long. If you're under 5.5, your small If your in it, you have nothing to worry about it.

80% of guys have penis circumferences between 4.4 and 5.6 inches around. If your under 4.4, your small. There you have it.

If you are average or better, quit *****ing and lose that v-card !


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, I'm 20 and a virgin. I'm a RAFC though and I know my problems, I'm currently working on them and finding out that I was making simple things very complicated.

If you are a total herbert and lock yourself away in your room and have social problems, go and see a social worker. I had this type of problem and I'm finding myself to be more and more confident as time passes.

The biggest tragedy of all would be that you die, alone. However much you may think you don't care or how much you think people will miss you and be sorry, you are probably wrong. You have to live life to the full man, you have one shot at life. Don't waste it!

Read the DJ bible and start working out. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
<- 21 year old virgin

my problem stems from not being able to talk to people. Not just girls but all people. I dont have any friends or anything. I grew up reading and learning instead of socializing so i am completely weird. However, one thing i dont lack is confidence, I think because I know Im so much smarter then everyone. Although, if i was so smart id be able to solve this problem so apparently im not as smart as i think. I go to parties and make great first impressions based strictly off of my confidence, however i eventually become a mute and just sit there not talking while everyone wonders wtf my problem is and continues talking. I really need to get this mental block out of my mind if i want to lose my virginity, but i just dont know how to do it i feel like ive tried my hardest, but i wont give up. Anyways, just thought id post since ur story sounds like mine.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score

The not talking thing is very similar to me aswell.

I was thinking about my situation and this is the biggest problem i have i think, i don't want to be alone with a girl because i have nothing to say!

In groups i can often be somewhat witty at times but most of the time i just get all shy and don't say anything, but when im with friends i am mouth almighty(somethimes), other times i am really quiet.

I think i am afraid to have a girlfriend because i dont know how the hell to speak! How can i go out with a girl if I cant speak to her??

Working out seems to be a good thing to do, and i have started to go to a gym.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Re: don't sweat it, dude

Originally posted by Ol'BlueEyes
I lost mine at 24. Biggest anti-climax of my life. Literally.
Dude, you got that right! My first time was actually worse off than masturbating!

It gets better. Just like food.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
I really feel like if i could get laid my life would turn around
In my opinion it is this which is one of the biggest stumbling blocks you face. The fact is getting laid has nothing to do with whether you are happy. Also you won't get laid until you start becoming happier with yourself with or without women.

Just my 2 cents.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by The_Shnitz

I was just wondering if anyone else is in my situation here, im 21 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I have never even asked a girl out, ive hardly ever shown any interest towards any girl that i really liked.

Also, I have noticed that i seem to start to fancy girls that i get the feeling that they like me first, then i sort of obscess over them for a while, think about them every day n stuff and never make a move because i am so goddam shy, then i beat myself up over it.

I am quite an angry person and regually feel depressed. I really feel like if i could get laid my life would turn around, but at the same time i feel like im not getting laid because the first time needs to be with someone i actually like (not a random slut).

Im also worried that i have a small ****.

I have made out with random sluts, most of them quite ugly.

Any one else in or has been in my situation?

Whats the best way to deal with this?

sorry if i seem like im just moaning but my despondency it getting to me, i need some inspiration. I keep these thoughts inside constantly, i never tell people this stuff. The idea of having sex is so alien to me sometimes i wonder if people actually do have sex! I think i need to retrain my brain.
im in the same exact situation buddy so youre not alone....

oh yeah but im 22 though....

.....and i have a huge pen1s

....and i dont mess w/ ugly sluts

.....but other than that, same o same o.


Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score

being social's a little like being a sales man. you need a high quality product and good advertising. you have neither.

what sort of activities do you do? things that are social?

i go to college, i go to work, i go to judo, i go to the gym and i play rock and roll. all these things are constructive, they add to my confidence and they give me a chance to meet lots of people. this is what you've gotta do.

go to the gym! talk to people in shops! be happy with you're own life. having a girl friend won't make you happy. having a girlfriend is about sharing happiness. you can't do that unless you have any to give.

girls AREN't registered charities. you have to give something special, some magic, some shine, some happiness. SO QUIT WHINING AND GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING.





Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
My my my!

So many posts already! AH well...! doesnt matter!

Anyways i just read your little drivel up there and it seems fairly familiar with a friend of mine... except of course he isn't 21 and he actually has a GF atm (finally! now he can shut up:rolleyes:), nevertheless that's not the point here...

the point is in this post and in your words... allow me to throw in some of my analysing.... maybe you can then see where you might need some little alterations

Originally posted by The_Shnitz

I was just wondering if anyone else is in my situation here, im 21 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I have never even asked a girl out, ive hardly ever shown any interest towards any girl that i really liked.
Allright fair enough... i think you're worrying too much about your age and you're comparing yourself to others who are younger and already lost their virginity... which then presents the point that you care too much about the whole "losing virginity" shiznit.

Also, I have noticed that i seem to start to fancy girls that i get the feeling that they like me first, then i sort of obscess over them for a while, think about them every day n stuff and never make a move because i am so goddam shy, then i beat myself up over it.

okay so you're shy? hrrm interesting... i think you need to believe in your own abilities my friend and in yourself... seems like your self esteem could use a boost up!

Beat yourself over it ... i don think that's such a good idea... dont beat yourself up man! Encourage yourself! It's all to do with that self-esteem concept... if you beat yourself over this sh!t then well you'll AVOID IT BECAUSE IT WILL JUST GIVE YOU CAUSE TO BEAT YOURSELF UP AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL YOU'RE PSYCHOLOGICALLY PURPLE AND BLUE!


I am quite an angry person and regually feel depressed. I really feel like if i could get laid my life would turn around, but at the same time i feel like im not getting laid because the first time needs to be with someone i actually like (not a random slut).

Yes there it is.... Depression and anger! Okay excuse me for going into a little Yoda phase but, you're angry about something (well duh obviously, i can hear you say)! Try to resolve it! If it's anger due to the fact that you're 21, virgin etc, then you will need to take the bull by the horns and say to yourself that you are no longer going to be that person you seem to be resenting... again anger leads to depression and you might also be angry at the fact that you might hit the later years of your life and still are branded by society as a virgin...

OKAY now we're hitting a source and this is where YOU will start to feel torn by too many concepts! From what i have read up there, YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET LAID, but you're hesitating. You must fix that hesitation.

Oh yes and also i said earlier you seem to hold your virginity to a highpoint... saying that you will only lose it to someone special is kind of corny but respectable indeed! Just please dont let it affect you to a point where you could've had sex but passed it up because you havent know her for 6 months of whatever... THEN you know waht happens next? YOU WILL BECOME DEPRESSED and eventually to hide this depression YOU WILL BECOME ANGRY!

Im also worried that i have a small ****.

I have made out with random sluts, most of them quite ugly.

AS i said earlier your self esteem seems to be deteriorating as i am comming to the end of your post.

Im sure you have read Pook's work around here and his infamous "As You Think, You Shall Become" concept, and I'm also certain you know that this works both ways! Yes... if you believe you suck at being social, your sub-conciousness will embed that and you will become an old hermit living off grubs. Positive re-informent is what you need! Yes there's no magic formula! You have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR ABILITIES!

As the old saying goes... Dont worry, be happy!

Oh yeah and about your random slut smooching... it links with your virginity. Meaning i know what you're trying to say by telling us you want to know a girl and actually like her... in laymens terms.. she' has to be higher than the smooched sluts yes?

Any one else in or has been in my situation?

Whats the best way to deal with this?

sorry if i seem like im just moaning but my despondency it getting to me, i need some inspiration. I keep these thoughts inside constantly, i never tell people this stuff. The idea of having sex is so alien to me sometimes i wonder if people actually do have sex! I think i need to retrain my brain.
Yes Nightspark's very certain that you care too much what people think of you! ... Words like "sorry if i seem like im just moaning but my despondency" ... MAN even you are worried that US as SOSUAVE are going to probably pay you out or something aren't you?!
WELL that doesnt happen here! Sure some people dont know how to explain things in a proper mild manner (it's not what you say but how you say it!) but nevertheless it beams helpful advice.... but im going off track here =S

LOL and please stop bull****tn US!

The idea of having sex is so alien to me sometimes i wonder if people actually do have sex!

Man seriously WTF is that you wrote up there?! You know that's a LIE! If you had no concept of having sex then well that means you havent hit puberty YET! So dont say sht like that because you're lying to yourself!

[I also read your post about how you fear having a GF or being alone with one because you have nothing to say... you should pay close attention to the summary for the final bits of advice!]

In summary here's my advice!

Stop worrying what other think or perceive of you! We are our own worst enemy and just thinking for a second that you are worthless or suck at attracting women or just plain suck at anything, will INDEED FCUK your Self-esteem UP sideways!

ONLY reinforce yourself and your own abilities IN A POSTIVE MANNER!! NEVER EVER beat yourself down! Do you think the leaders of this world do that?! I don't think so! IF they screw up, they learn from their mistakes ! They keep going, striving to be the masters. You need to take up this concept! I'm sure you have lead something before-hand or even are leading people right now, which means you already have the foundations to build a stronger character out of yourself!

And that's waht i ahve to say at this very moment. Hopefully you will read it as well as every one else's post here and ACT upon the advice you will eventually create from the stuff we have posted here!

-Nightspark :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I was a virgin until I turned 24.

No biggie, man. You'll pick it up after a few rounds. If all else fails, try for the still-hot 30somethings...they love to "teach".