20 year old sosuave virgin


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
:up: helloo people. this is the latest entrant to this game and this site. i have read the dj bible a couple of times and got it in my head now. just wanted to say hi to all my future friends and gurus. a few facts about me:
1. i am 20 years old and an indian [ live in india ].
2. i am 5'7 135 lbs. [ skinny but bulking ]
3. i am doing bachelors in electronics engineering [ in 1st year ].
4. if u cant comprehend by now, mltpl_rndmns means multiple_randomness. being different and random is inherent to me and that is the biggest and brightest trait of my personality.
5. i am a naturally confident guy with an intellectual mind and desire to stand true to my potential and responsibilites.
6. i know my priorities in life but thats where the problem starts........

i know that ' impossible is nothing' , but does it stand true for all the spheres of life. u see, the pillars of my life are :
STUDIES [ getting a good job after the MBA and making my parents proud ]
BUSINESS [ i am an entrepreneur and into computer literacy field ]
WORKOUT [ my body is my temple and although i dont workout as much as i should, i am sure that i am going to do it ]
DANCE [ i love to dance and have learnt for a good 3-4 months. i am not usher yet but once in flow, i can take on almost anybody on ;) ]
CHICKS [ have had a couple of gfs in past but nuthin special. i mean, i m still a virgin so...... not that i m embarrased of it or anything. got a couple of good female friends now and i know, with all of ur well wishes and support i am going to be a master dj in no time. ]
the question that comes to mind is that can i achieve the sky in all of my pillars? can i be an MBA, A WELL-TO-DO BUSINESSMAN WITH AN ENVIOUS PHYSIQUE WHO CAN DANCE LIKE USHER WITH MASTER DON JUAN ACCREDITED TO HIS NAME? or am i going to have to cut down on my desires and focus on a couple of them at a time? [ again guys, i know i can do it. its just that am i looking for too much ].

tk care djs. cya :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Start off by working out at the gym doing a lot of weightlifting, don't worry about girls - Trust me dude that is the least of your current worries. Also, stop listening to hip hop music.

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Macgyver said:
Also, stop listening to hip hop music.
What kind of advice is that?

If you like hiphop, listen to hiphop. Of course you shouldn't force yourself to listen to it to look cool, but if you like it, it won't hurt you. Before I go out to PU or go out w/ a girl, I love to listen to the hiphop stations. Songs like "Like a Pimp" give me the feeling that I overpower all women. And songs like "Gettin Some Head" (remix by Dem Franchise Boyz, not the original), get me um... In the mood.

One good piece of advice would be don't take advice from female friends.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Its pretty damn good advice. Hip-hop is like pollution to the brain.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Macgyver said:
Start off by working out at the gym doing a lot of weightlifting, don't worry about girls - Trust me dude that is the least of your current worries. Also, stop listening to hip hop music.

This is why you must be a filter and not a sponge on these boards.
-never stop listening to hip hop if you like to dance
-weight lifting is good but is very low on the priorities to get women

I see a lot a similarities between you and me already. I am:

1st year engineering student going into civil
5'7 135lbs
Virgin but not embarassed (I've had girlfriends)
Love to dance

I've been hitting the books hard this year but I've maintained a decent gym schedule and am fairly satisfied with my body. Being fit and having fun on the dancefloor can only help you to achieve your life long goals. There is no better confidence booster for me than to spend the whole night dancing on the highest stage at the club. (cage dancing is always nice too:p ) In fact everytime I walk out of the clubs in Vancouver I feel like a whole new person and more confident in myself.

Engineering may be all hard work, research and numbers but let me share a secret with you. My father was a forestry engineer for most of his career. He was also a social animal during university yet he rarely neglected his studies. He spent a greater part of his life climbing the career ladder and now he is the executive log trader at timberwest and makes over 200 grand a year before taxes. His knowledge and business sense got him quite a bit of the way but it's his people skills that got him to where he is today. A great deal of his work is to meet with clients and discuss business deals and he often goes overseas on business trips.

Balancing your social activity and work is essential to success. Being confident, active and a force to reckon with on the dance floor can only help you become the man you dreamed you would become.

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
Chico, Ca, USA
Macgyver....stick to fixin trucks with paper clips cause your advice is horrible....


It sounds like you have most of your priorities in order....I would lose the Chicks thing and stop thinking of a DJ as a title...unless your spinnin tracks in a club or party.....

I'm not saying you shouldn't keep interest in such things, just don't focus on them......Girls will come and go....remember the bus analogy?

Also being a DJ is more about personal improvment as opposed to self glorificaiton or recognition from others...


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Macgyver said:
Start off by working out at the gym doing a lot of weightlifting, don't worry about girls - Trust me dude that is the least of your current worries. Also, stop listening to hip hop music.
thanks for the advice mac. i am going to start giving more concern to my body than chicks for now and just so u know man, i cant stop listening to hip hop. but dont worry, i got enough of korn and system of a down in my playlist to keep me straight :cool:


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bigg Boss said:
What kind of advice is that?

If you like hiphop, listen to hiphop. Of course you shouldn't force yourself to listen to it to look cool, but if you like it, it won't hurt you. Before I go out to PU or go out w/ a girl, I love to listen to the hiphop stations. Songs like "Like a Pimp" give me the feeling that I overpower all women. And songs like "Gettin Some Head" (remix by Dem Franchise Boyz, not the original), get me um... In the mood.

One good piece of advice would be don't take advice from female friends.

thanks man and i think u r damn right about taking advice from female friends.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Wiesman44 said:
Its pretty damn good advice. Hip-hop is like pollution to the brain.
04-18-2006 05:31 AM
Wiesman44 Its pretty damn good advice. Hip-hop is like pollution to the brain.

dont know what to say to u wiseman. i guess i m just a happily polluted guy .:D


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
petah2001 said:
This is why you must be a filter and not a sponge on these boards.
-never stop listening to hip hop if you like to dance
-weight lifting is good but is very low on the priorities to get women

I see a lot a similarities between you and me already. I am:

1st year engineering student going into civil
5'7 135lbs
Virgin but not embarassed (I've had girlfriends)
Love to dance

I've been hitting the books hard this year but I've maintained a decent gym schedule and am fairly satisfied with my body. Being fit and having fun on the dancefloor can only help you to achieve your life long goals. There is no better confidence booster for me than to spend the whole night dancing on the highest stage at the club. (cage dancing is always nice too:p ) In fact everytime I walk out of the clubs in Vancouver I feel like a whole new person and more confident in myself.

Engineering may be all hard work, research and numbers but let me share a secret with you. My father was a forestry engineer for most of his career. He was also a social animal during university yet he rarely neglected his studies. He spent a greater part of his life climbing the career ladder and now he is the executive log trader at timberwest and makes over 200 grand a year before taxes. His knowledge and business sense got him quite a bit of the way but it's his people skills that got him to where he is today. A great deal of his work is to meet with clients and discuss business deals and he often goes overseas on business trips.

Balancing your social activity and work is essential to success. Being confident, active and a force to reckon with on the dance floor can only help you become the man you dreamed you would become.

u own, petah :D . seriously nice post man. i love the whole getting to know people in a club thing coz of my dance. being social has always been my priority. and bravo to ur dad. i love to get inspired with such feats.
and by the way, watch out for me man. u might see me in a vancouver disc very soon and even though u might get intimidated by my moves, dont forget to say hi . :p
take care petah. ciao


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
El MonoLoco said:
Macgyver....stick to fixin trucks with paper clips cause your advice is horrible....


It sounds like you have most of your priorities in order....I would lose the Chicks thing and stop thinking of a DJ as a title...unless your spinnin tracks in a club or party.....

I'm not saying you shouldn't keep interest in such things, just don't focus on them......Girls will come and go....remember the bus analogy?

Also being a DJ is more about personal improvment as opposed to self glorificaiton or recognition from others...
thanks man. will keep all these things in mind. appreciate it .


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
long long time, people. how is everyone? besides the already posted probs i got one more.... how do you deal with the chicks who u see everyday ( in college, dance class, gym, etc.) who have bfs who in turn are again ur friends? i mean its not the biggest of my worries, but is there any other way to interact with them other than giving them enough respect (as they r ur friend's gf) and acting like a shy guy basically? (the bigger problem is that its hard to get out of that self-created shell once u are around them and then u cant get out of it even when the other single chicks show interest in you).
FYI - i am not a shy guy, just like to give enough respect to people who deserve it.
P.S. - i got my pic in my profile so that might give you a better idea. thanks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
You don't treat the ones with BFs any differently, except you don't make a move. You still flirt slightly (remember, you're trying to become a charming guy) and you still talk to them.

If their BFs try to start something, they're jealous *******s. This is insecurity manifesting itself. Any normal, well adjusted guy wouldn't start sh!t with you over something like this.

Once you start being charming and social wherever you go, then it's natural. If you're self-conscious, it's gonna show and you're going to come off creepy or quiet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Wiesman44 said:
Its pretty damn good advice. Hip-hop is like pollution to the brain.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
mltpl_rndmns1 said:
1. indian [ live in india ].
2. i am 5'7 135 lbs.
3. i am doing bachelors in electronics engineering [ in 1st year ].
Game Over. Girls want tall, built, unintelligent, outgoing white guys.



Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
My friend is an indian guy that has a decent girlfriend. He's like 5ft7, but built and dresses like a player. He is also very outgoing, cool and everybody knows him.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Game Over. Girls want tall, built, unintelligent, outgoing white guys.

That's true, except for the tall part.

Unless you are super tiny then height doesn't matter much. It's very important that you are built though.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Game Over. Girls want tall, built, unintelligent, outgoing white guys.

well MM,i guess it helps that i am in india right now(not that i dont disagree with ur post altogether). anyways, besides the tall part, i am working on my physique and social behaviour. and about the unintelligent part, i aint that smart but ya, small talk doesnt come very naturally to me. appreciate ur time tho.